3. Operation

picture area either to the left or right (for Input H Adj and Input V Adj) of the screen.





Under/Over Scan

-50% to +50% (default is 0 or off)



Input H Adj

0-200 (default is 0)



Input V Adj

0-200 (default is 0)



ŠAspect Ratio: Select the aspect ratio for the display. Options are 4:3 (default) or 16:9.

ŠFor H-Mirrorand V-Mirror, select whether the function is On or Off.

ŠClick the Apply button(s) to use the values entered.


View the current input resolution and firmware version, as well as reset the VC812 to its factory default settings.

ŠClick the Get button to have the VC812. display the latest values in use.

ŠIn-Sync Info: This shows the current input resolution used by the device.

ŠF/W Version: This shows the current firmware version.

ŠFactory Reset: Click this and click OK if you want to reset the device back to the factory default settings.

ŠFirmware Update: This button is for upgrading the firmware of the device. Contact your product dealer for more details.