Athena P-40006000-9lang printers 2/15/05 3:38 PM Page 5

H e r j d j l c n d j

l k z

g j k m p j d f n t k z

o w n e r s

m a n u a l



Ghtljcntht;tybt6 Lkz ghtljndhfotybz hbcrf gjkextybz =ktrnhbxtcrjuj ijrf9 cjgjcnfdmnt ibhjre. xfcnm intgctkmyjq dbkrb c ibhjrbv jndthcnbtv hjptnrb nfr9 xnj,s intgctkmyfz dbkrf gjkyjcnm. d[jlbkf d hjptnre7

Ghjxbnfqnt Bycnherwb.6 Gthtl ghbvtytybtv lfyyjuj bpltkbz9 ghjxbnfqnt dct bycnherwbb gj tuj bcgjkmpjdfyb. b nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb7

Cj[hfybnt Bycnherwb.6 Bycnherwbb gj bcgjkmpjdfyb. ghb,jhf b nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb ljk;ys ,snm cj[hfytys lkz ghbvtytybz d ,eleotv7

Exnbnt Ghtleght;ltybz6 Cj,k.lfqnt dct ghtleght;ltybz jnyjcbntkmyj ghb,jhf b bycnherwbb gj tuj bcgjkmpjdfyb.7

Cktleqnt Bycnherwbzv6 Dct hf,jxbt ht;bvs b bycnherwbb gj ghbvtytyb. ghb,jhf ljk;ys cj,k.lfnmcz7

Xbcnrf6 Jnrk.xfqnt ghb,jh jn bcnjxybrjd =ktrnhjgbnfybz gthtl xbcnrjq7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ;blrbt jxbcnbntkb bkb f=hjpjkm7 Lkz xbcnrb bpltkbz ghbvtyzqnt ckturf dkf;ye. nrfym7 Ghbcgjcj,ktybz6 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ghbcgjcj,ktybz9 yt htrjvtyletvst bpujnjdbntktv ghb,jhf9 gjcrjkmre jyb vjuen ghbxbybnm dhtl7

Djlf b Dkf;yjcnm6 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt lfyysq ghb,jh d,kbpb djls7

Dtynbkzwbz6 Otkb b jndthcnbz d rjhgect ghb,jhf ghtlecvjnhtys lkz dtynbkzwbb9 j,tcgtxtybz yflt;yjcnb hf,jns b pfobns tuj jn gthtuhtdfybz7 Jyb yt ljk;ys ,snm ,kjrbhjdfys bkb pfrhsns9 rfr9 yfghbvth9 ghb hfpvtotybb bpltkbz yf rhjdfnb9 lbdfyt bkb lheujq gjlj,yjq gjdth[yjcnb7 Tckb yt j,tcgtxbdftncz yflkt;fofz dtynbkzwbz ghb,jhf9 nj yt cktletn

Gthtjhbtynbhjdfnm bkb gthtvtcnbnm ghbybvf.oe. fyntye Edtkbxbnm hfcnjzybt vt;le j,jheljdfybtv b ghbtvybrjv7

Gjlcjtlbybnm j,jheljdfybt r ds[jle =ktrnhbxtcrjq wtgb9 jnkbxyjq jn njq9 r rjnjhjq ghbtvybr ,sk gjlrk.xty7

Ghjrjycekmnbhjdfnmcz e lbkkthf bkb jgsnyjuj hflbj\ ntktvfcnthf7 Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv Perjdjlcndt9 xnj,s eljcnjdthbnmcz9 xnj Dfif cbcntvf ecnfyjdktyf b hf,jnftn ljk;ysv j,hfpjv7

Gj;fkeqcnf9 cj[hfybnt rfhnjyye. egfrjdre b egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks lkz bpltkbq vfhrb athena TECHNOLOGIES®‚ product, xnj,s pfobnbnm tuj d ckexft ytj,[jlbvjcnb jnghfdrb d Cthdbc Wtynh lkz htvjynf7 Bpltkbt9 rjnjhjt gjkexbkj gjdht;ltybt ghb ljcnfdrt d Cthdbc Wtynh9 tckb jyj yt ,skj egfrjdfyj d jhbubyfkmye. egfrjdre9 ,eltn jnhtvjynbhjdfyj9 djccnfyjdktyj b ghfdbkmyj egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq ljcnfdrb9 pf cxtn dkfltkmwf bpltkbz7

Cdtnzobqcz pyfr vjkybb dyenhb hfdyjcnjhjyytuj nhteujkmybrf j,jpyfxftn lkz gjkmpjdfntkz cbuyfk nhtdjub9 rjnjhsq cdbltntkmcndetn j yfkbxbb ytbpjkbhjdfyyjuj jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybzdyenhb rjhgecf ghb,jhj b vj;tn ,snm ljcnfnjxyj ,jkmibv9 xnj,s cjplfnm hbcr =ktrnhbxtcrjuj ijrf lkz xtkjdtrf7

Djcrkbwfntkmysq pyfr dyenhb hfdyjcnjhjyytuj nhteujkmybrf j,jpyfxftn lkz gjkmpjdfntkz df;yjcnm bycnherwbq gj hf,jxtve ht;bve b gjllth;rt (j,cke;bdfyb.) ghb,jhf9 cjlth;fob[cz d cjghjdj;lf.ob[cz gtxfnys[ vfnthbfkf[7


Gjplhfdkztv Dfc c ghbj,htntybtv lbyfvbrjd vfhrb athena TECHNOLOGIES®!


Front Control Panel - Diagram 1

1.Subwoofer Volume Control - This controls the relative volume level of the subwoofers’ internal amplifier. It is independent of the

volume control from the

Master Volume control1 on your receiver.

2.Status Indicator -

The status indicator is located just above the athena logo on the front panel. The status indicator will emit a green light when the subwoofer is actively producing sound. The amplifier is automatically activated by any signal from any of the inputs on the subwoofer. When the indicator is red, the subwoofer is in standby mode, and is ready to turn on as soon as the next time a signal is sent to the subwoofer.

NOTE: When engaged, the auto-on auto-off circuit does not instantly turn off the subwoofer. The subwoofer will remain in the “on” mode (green) for up to 10 minutes after the last signal, even when the system is turned off completely.

3.Set the Low Pass Filter Control (#1 on diagram #2) to match the model of speaker that you have in the front channels of your system. Audition Series and WS Series models are printed on the panel, on the outer ring, surrounding the Low Pass Filter Control. For example if you have AS-F1 speakers, set the control to the F1 position.

This will adjust the frequency output of the subwoofer to precisely match your speakers, and will result in a seamless system for both music and movies.

4.Adjust the Volume Control (#1 on diagram #1) to match the output of the system. This can be done to suit your personal taste, and room size. Start somewhere

in the middle of the dial and adjust as you feel is necessary.

Connecting and Operating the Subwoofer - Method 2 With other brands of front speakers


On the rear of the receiver there should be a single RCA type jack named


“Subwoofer Out” Connect a single RCA type audio cable from the “Subwoofer Out”


jack to the “Input” jack on the rear of the athena subwoofer (#3 on diagram #2)


Plug the Subwoofer’s AC cord into an AC outlet. Do not use the accessory type AC


outlets on the rear of the AV receiver.


Set the Low Pass Filter Control (#1 on diagram #2) to match the model of speaker


that you have in the front channels of your system. The best way to start finding the


correct frequency is to set the control to the low level cut off of the front speakers.


This specification can be found in the owners manual of your speakers, or from the


manufacturer. This is just a starting point however as room acoustics, placement

hfpvtofnm tuj d pfrhsnjv ghjcnhfycndt9 nbgf ryb;yjuj irfaf bkb cnjqrb7

Bcnjxybrb Gbnfybz6 +njn ghb,jh ljk;ty bcgjkmpjdfnm njkmrj njn bcnjxybr gbnfybz9 rjnjhsq j,jpyfxty yf vfhrbhjdjxyjq yfrktqrt7 Tckb Ds yt edthtys jnyjcbntkmyj nbgf =ktrnhjgbnfybz d Dfitv ljvt9 ghjrjycekmnbheqntcm c Dfitq vtcnyjq =ythutnbxtcrjq rjvgfybtq7

Pfptvktybt b Gjkzhbpfwbz6 Lfyysq ghb,jh vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfy gjkzhbpjdfyysv intgctktv (intgctkm9 bvt.obq jlye gkfcnbye9 ibht lheujq87 +njn intgctkm djqltn d hjptnre njkmrj jlybv cgjcj,jv9 j,tcgtxbdfz nfrbv j,hfpjv ,tpjgfcyjcnm7 Tckb Ds yt vj;tnt dcnfdbnm intgctkm gjkyjcnm. d hjptnre9 nj gjghj,eqnt gthtdthyenm tuj7 Tckb intgctkm dct ;t yt d[jlbn d hjptnre9 j,hfnbntcm r =ktrnhbre9 xnj,s pfvtybnm hjptnre7 Yt yfyjcbnt dhtlf ,tpjgfcyjcnb gjkzhbpjdfyyjuj intgctkz7

Pfobnf Iyehf +ktrnhjgbnfybz6 Iyehs =ktrnhjgbnfybz ljk;ys ,snm hfpvtotys nfr9 xnj,s jyb yt yf[jlbkbcm yf ghj[jlf[9 yt pf;bvfkbcm ghtlvtnfvb9 gjcnfdktyysvb yf yb[ bkb jrjkj yb[7 <elmnt jcj,tyyj dybvfntkmys r iyehfv cj intgctkmysvb dbkrfvb9 elj,cnde hfcgjkj;tybz intgctkmys[ hjptnjr b vtcne9 ult iyeh ds[jlbn bp ghb,jhf7

Gthtuheprf6 Yt gthtuhe;fqnt intgctkmyst hjptnrb b iyehs elkbybntkz9 gjcrjkmre =nj vj;tn ,snm cdzpfyj c hbcrjv djpybryjdtybz =ktrnhbxtcrjuj elfhf7

Ghtlvtn b :blrjcnb6 Ybrjulf yt ghjnfkrbdfqnt ghtlvtns dyenhm ghb,jhf xthtp jndthcnbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen rfcfnmcz vtcn jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybz9 b =nj cgjcj,yj ghbdtcnb r gj;fhe bkb elfhe njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt hfpkbdfqnt rfre.-kb,j ;blrjcnm yf ghb,jh7

J,cke;bdfybt6 Yt gsnfqntcm cfvjcnjzntkmyj jceotcndkznm nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt lfyyjuj ghb,jhf gjchtlcndjv jnrhsdfybz bkb elfktybz gjrhsnbq7 +nj vj;tn gjldthuyenm Dfc djpltqcndb. jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybz bkb lheujq euhjpt7 Lkz ghjdtltybz nt[ybxtcrjuj j,cke;bdfybz bpltkbz j,hfnbntcm r rdfkbabwbhjdfyyjve gthcjyfke7

Ntvgthfnehysq Ht;bv6 Lfyysq ghb,jh ljk;ty ,snm hfcgjkj;ty dlfktrt jn bcnjxybrjd dscjrjq ntvgthfnehs nbgf hflbfnjhjd9 gtxtq b lheub[ fggfhfnjd (drk.xfz ecbkbntkb89 rjnjhst dsltkz.n xhtpvthyj dscjre. ntvgthfnehe7

Ythf,jxbt Gthbjls6 Iyeh gbnfybz ljk;ty ,snm dsrk.xty bp hjptnrb9 rjulf ghb,jh yt bcgjkmpetncz lkbntkmysq gthbjl dhtvtyb7

Ecnhfytybt ytbcghfdyjcntq6 Lfyysq ghb,jh ljk;ty j,cke;bdfnmcz rdfkbabwbhjdfyysv gthcjyfkjv rjulf6

(F8 Gjdht;ltys iyeh =ktrnhjgbnfybz bkb intgctkmyfz dbkrf4 bkb

(B8 Yf ghb,jh egfkb ghtlvtns bkb yf ytuj ,skf ghjkbnf ;blrjcnm4 bkb (C8 Bpltkbt gjgfkj gjl lj;lm4 bkb

(D8 Ghb,jh dtltn ct,z yt j,sxyj bkb pfvtnyj bpvtybkcz pderjdjq =aatrn4 bkb (E8 Bpltkbt egfkj bkb dyenhtyybt tuj xfcnb gjdht;ltys7

(F8 Tckb ghb,jh yt hf,jnftn yjhvfkmyj d cjjndtncndbb c ltqcnde.obvb bycnherwbzvb7

Ghbvtxfybt6 +nj j,jheljdfybt ,skj ghjntcnbhjdfyj b dszdktyj9xnj jyj cjjndtncndetn dctv djpvj;yjcnzv wbahjdjuj ghb,jhf rkfccf B9rjnjhst jghtltktys d xfcnb 15 ghfdbk FCC (Atlthfkmyjq Rjvbccbb Cdzpb CIF)7 Lfyyst djpvj;yjcnb

Gthtljdfz nt[yjkjubz b dscjrjt rfxtcndj ghjbpdjlcndf gjpdjkzn Dfv ljkubt ujls yfckf;lfnmcz ,jktt tcntcndtyysv b njxysv djcghjbpdtltybtv vepsrb7 Cjdtns9 ghtlkfuftvst d lfyyjv herjdjlcndt9 ghtlyfpyfxtys gjvjxm Dfv edtkbxbnm lj vfrcbvfkmyj djpvj;yjuj ghtltkf b cj[hfybnm rfxtcndj djcghjbpdtltybz bcgjkytybz9 b9 cktljdfntkmyj9 dfit eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz7 Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s ,snm edthtyysv9 xnj Dfif cnthtj cbcntvf ecnfyjdktyf ljk;ysv j,hfpjv b hf,jnftn ghfdbkmyj7

Gthbjl Hfpheitybz

Vs yfcnjqxbdj cjdtnetv Dfv yt gjllfdfnmcz bcreityb. buhfnm b j,hfofnmcz kturjvscktyyj cj dctvb djpvj;yjcnzvb lbyfvbrjd abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES®, lj nt[ gjh gjrf jyb ,elen jrjyxfntkmyj ckjvfys7 Ghjwtcc hfpheitybz lbyfvbrf vj;tn pfyznm ghbvthyj 50-100 xfcjd ytghfdbkmyjuj djcghjbpdtltybz vepsrb7 Vj;yj kturj ckjvfnm ghb,jh9 tckb gjcnfdbnm gktth rjvgfrn lbcrf d ht;bv gjdnjhtybz b d =nj dhtvz ghjbuhsdfnm CD c ibhjrjq lbyfvbxyjq fvgkbneljq rfr ghb yjhvfkmys[ ghjckeibdf.ob[ ehjdyz[7

Lfyyst j Rjvgfybb

Abhvf athena TECHNOLOGIES® zdkztncz yjdsv jnltktybtv rjvgfybb Audio Products International Corp79 ibhjrj bpdtcnyjq d bylecnhbb rfr “API”7 Rfyflcrfz rjvgfybz API9 jcyjdfyyfz d 1975 ujle9 zdkztncz cjdhtvtyysv ghtlghbznbtv c hfcneobvb bccktljdfntkmcrbvb b ghjbpdjlcndtyysvb djpvj;yjcnzvb7 Abhvf API hfcgjkj;tyf yf gkjoflb 165 000 rdflhfnys[ aenjd (,jktt 15 000 rd7v7) d ujhjlt Njhjynj (Rfyflf)7 API – =nj jlyj bp cfvs[ ,jkmib[ ghtlghbznbq gj ghjbpdjlcnde lbyfvbrjd9 rjnjhjt j,tcgtxbdftn cdjtq ghjlerwbtq ,jktt 60 cnhfy vbhf7 Nfkfynkbdfz bccktljdfntkmcrfz b ghjbpdjlcndtyyfz rjvfylf bcgjkmpetn ljcnb;tybz gthtljdjuj rjvgm.nthyjuj lbpfqyf9 njxytqitq bpvthbntkmyjq nt[yjkjubb9 xnj cgjcj,cndetn htpekmnfnbdyjcnb gjbcrf yjds[9 kexib[ frrecnbxtcrb[ nt[yjkjubq7 Lfyyfz bccktljdfntkmcrfz hf,jnf zdkztncz jcyjdjq ljkujchjxys[ gthtljds[ gcb[j-frrecnbxtcrb[ bpextybq9 ghjdjlbvs[ d cjlhe;tcndt c rfyflcrjq rjvgfybtq “National Research Council” (NRC)9 xnj gjpdjkbkj cjplfnm lbyfvbrb9 ljcnbuf.obt dscjrjuj ehjdyz djcghjbpdtltybz d nbgbxys[ ljvfiyb[ eckjdbz[ ghjckeibdfybz7 Dctcnjhjyytt bccktljdfybt rf;ljuj fcgtrnf lbyfvbrf fyfkbpbhjdfkjcm b jwtybdfkjcm gthtl yfxfkjv cnflbb tuj vjltkbhjdfybz b cjplfybz rjywtgwbb9 rfr wtkjcnyjuj lbpfqythcrjuj htitybz7 Lfyysq vtnjl ufhfynbhetn9 xnj cfvst ghtrhfcyst rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks9 cjdvtcnyj cj ckj;ysv ghjbpdjlcndjv b ghjwtlehjq rjynhjkz rfxtcndf j,tcgtxbdf.n tuj ljkujchjxye.9 yflt;ye. hf,jne b eljdjkmcndbt jn

Rear Panel - Diagram 2

1.Low Pass Filter Control - This controls the effective frequency range of the subwoofer. It has a range of 40-120 Hz to allow you to correctly match the output of the subwoofer with that of the rest of the system.

2.Mode Switch - This switch enables the Auto-On/ Auto-Off system when “AUTO” is selected.

In AUTO mode, the subwoofer turns on and off by sensing signals from either the RCA or line level inputs.

If “ON” mode is selected, the subwoofer will remain on at all times, bypassing the Auto-On/ Auto-Off system.

In “OFF” mode, the subwoofer will remain off and will not power up.

3.Sub Input - This input is an RCA type mono input jack. NOTE: Please see the connections section for suggestions on which input is appropriate for your system.

4.High Level Inputs - These are connectors when utilizing standard speaker wire. The High Level inputs are designed to be used on receivers or amplifiers that do not incorporate any RCA type subwoofer outputs. If your receiver is equipped with an RCA typesubwoofer output, these inputs will not be utilized.










and other variables dictate the final position of this control to get the sound of the

subwoofer to blend with that of the front speakers.

4. Adjust the Volume Control (#1 on diagram #1) to match the output of the system.

This can be done to suit your personal taste, and room size. Start somewhere in the

middle of the dial and adjust as you feel is necessary.

Connecting and Operating the Subwoofer - Method 3 High Level or Speaker Type Inputs

NOTE: These inputs are provided for use with receivers or amplifiers that do not have a built in RCA type subwoofer jack. If your receiver has an RCA subwoofer type jack it is recommended to use it, using the instructions above.


On the rear of your receiver, locate the Front Speaker outputs. Connect a pair of


speaker cables from the receivers front speaker outputs marked “Speaker A” to the


left and right front speakers.


Using an additional pair of speaker cables, connect a pair of speaker cables from


the receivers front speaker outputs marked “Speaker A” to the Speaker Inputs


(#4 on diagram #2) on your athena TECHNOLOGIES® subwoofer.


NOTE: Make sure that you carefully match the Positive to Positive and Negative to


Negative on all speaker connections. Also make sure the left and right channels are


wired separately and correctly.


Plug the Subwoofer’s AC cord into an AC outlet. Do not use the accessory type AC


outlets on the rear of the AV receiver.


Set the Low Pass Filter Control (#1 on diagram #2) to match the model of speaker


that you have in the front of your system. The best way to start finding the correct


frequency is to set the control to the low level cut off of the front speakers. This


specification can be found in the owners manual of your speakers, or from the


manufacturer. This is just a starting point however as room acoustics, placement


and other variables dictate that you will need to experiment with this control to get


the sound of the subwoofer to blend with that of the front speakers.


Adjust the Volume Control (#1 on diagram #1) to match the output of the system.


This can be done to suit your personal taste, and room size. Start somewhere in the

,skb cjplfys lkz j,tcgtxtybz hfwbjyfkmyjq pfobns ghjnbd dhtlyjq bynthathtywbb ghb ecnfyjdktybb cbcntvs d ljvfiyb[ eckjdbz[7 +nj j,jheljdfybt utythbhetn9 bcgjkmpetn b bpkexftn hflbj xfcnjnye. =ythub. b9 tckb yt ecnfyjdbnm b yt bcgjkmpjdfnm ghb,jh d cjjndtncdbb c bycnherwbtq9 nj vj;tn ,snm ghbxbyjq dhtlyjq bynthathtywbb lkz ghjwtccf gthtlfxb byajhvfwbb gjchtlcndjv hflbj7 Jlyfrj9 ytn ufhfynbb xnj bynthathtywbz yt djpybrytn gjckt ecnfyjdrb rjyrhtnyjq cbcntvs7 Tckb =nj j,jheljdfybt cjplftn dhtlye. bynthathtywb. lkz ghbtvf hflbj b ntktdbpbjyyjuj cbuyfkf9 rjnjhjt cdzpfyj c drk.xtybt b jnrk.xtybtv =njuj j,jheljdfybz9 gjkmpjdfntk. htrjvtyletncz gjghj,jdfnm gjlrjhhtrnbhjdfnm bynthathtywb. gjchtlcndjv jlyjuj bkb ytcrjkmrb[ cktle.ob[ vthjghbznbq6

ghjckeibdfybz9 gjlndth;lfz xnj wtyyjcnm lbyfvbrf dj vyjuj hfp dsit tuj htfkmyjq cnjbvjcnb7

E[jl pf Rjhgecjv

Cfvsq kexitq e[jl b vfcnthcrfz jnltkrf ,skb jceotcndktys d ghjwtcct cjplfybz rjhgecf lbyfvbrf7 Gthbjlbxtcrb ghjnbhfqnt rjhgec vzurjq9 ce[jq bkb ytvyjuj dkf;yjq nrfym.9 xnj,s elfkbnm gskm b uhzpyst jngtxfnrb gfkmwtd7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ,evf;yst gjkjntywf bkb lheubt ithifdst vfnthbfks9 nfr rfr =nj vj;tn gjdhtlbnm jnltkre rjhgecf7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt hfcgskbntkm bkb ;blrjcnb ytgjchtlcndtyyj jn gjdth[yjcnb cf,deathf7




Caution: Turn off all power in your audio/video system before proceeding with your installation. Not doing so could result in potential damage to the system.

middle of the dial and adjust as you feel is necessary.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy your subwoofer for many years to come.

Warranty Outside of the United States and Canada

Outside of North America the warranty may be changed to comply with local regulations. Ask your local athena TECHNOLOGIES® retailer for details of the limited warranty applicable in your country.

Vbuf.obq cdtnzobqcz pyfxjr cj cnhtkrjq-vjkybtq dyenhb hfdyjcnjhjyytuj nhteujkmybrf ghtlyfpyfxty lkz njuj9 xnj,s ghtleghtlbnm gjkmpjdfntkz j, jgfcyjcnb ytgjchtlcndtyyjq ,kbpjcnb ytbpjkbhjdfyyjuj “jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybz” dyenhb pfvryenjuj ghjcnhfycndf ghb,jhf7 +nj yfghz;tybt vj;tn ,snm ljcnfnjxyjq dtkbxbys9 xnj,s cjplfdfnm euhjpe =ktrnhbxtcrjuj elfhf lkz k.ltq7

Djcrkbwfntkmysq pyfr dyenhb hfdyjcnjhjyytuj nhteujkmybrf ghtlyfpyfxty lkz njuj9 xnj,s ghtleghtlbnm gjkmpjdfntkz j yfkbxbb df;ys[ bycnherwbq9 rfcf.ob[cz jcvjnhf9 ntreotuj htvjynf b nt[ybxtcrjuj j,cke;bdfybz ghb,jhf9 jgbcfyys[ d tuj cjghjdjlbntkmys[ ljrevtynf[7

Hfcgjkj;tybt Cf,deathf

J,sxyjt hfcgjkj;tybt cf,deathf - =nj dgthtlb gthtlyb[ lbyfvbrjd dfitq cbcntvs7 Xtv ,kb;t cf,death r gthtlybv lbyfvbrfv9 ntv kexit ,fkfyc b b[ dpfbvjltqcndbt7<elmnt jcnjhj;ys rjulf hfcgjkfuftnt cf,death ckbirjv ,kbprj r eukfv bkb cntyfv9 nfr rfr =nj gjdsiftn uekrjcnmpdexfybz jn cf,deathf7 Djpvj;yj =nj cjjndtncndetn bkb yt cjjndtncndetn dfitve drece7 Hfcgjkj;tybt cf,deathf ljk;yj ,snm rjcvtnbxtcrb ghbtvktvsv9 yj bvtqnt ddble =nj buhftn juhjvye. hjkm d cevvfhyjv pdert cbcntvs7 Tckb djpvj;yj9 gjcnfhfqntcm hfcgjkj;bnm cf,death yfcnjkmrj ,kbprj r gthtlybv lbyfvbrfv yfcrjkmrj =nj djpvj;yj7

Connecting and Operating the Subwoofer - Method 1

Warranty for United States and Canada (SEE BACK COVER)

If your front speakers are athena TECHNOLOGIES® Speakers

1.On the rear of the receiver there should be a single RCA type jack named “Subwoofer Out” Connect a single RCA type audio cable from the “Subwoofer Out” jack to the

“Input” jack on the rear of the athena TECHNOLOGIES® subwoofer

athena TECHNOLOGIES®, SCT™, and Create Your Sound”, are trademarks of Audio Products

(#3 on diagram #2)

International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic”, and “Dolby Digital” are trademarks of Dolby

Laboratories Licensing. “DTS” is a trademark of Digital Theater Systems Inc.

2.Plug the Subwoofer’s AC cord into an AC outlet. Do not use the accessory type AC outlets on the rear of the AV receiver.



Page 3
Image 3
Athena Technologies AS-P4000 Terminology and Controls, HOW to Connect and USE Your Subwoofer, Front Control Panel Diagram

AS-P4000, AS-P6000 specifications

Athena Technologies has established itself as a key player in the realm of advanced drone technology with its AS-P6000 and AS-P4000 models. Designed for various applications, including industrial inspection, agriculture, and surveying, these drones exemplify cutting-edge features and technologies that enhance performance and efficiency in the field.

The AS-P6000 stands out with its powerful payload capacity, allowing it to carry advanced sensors and cameras for high-resolution imagery and data collection. This model is equipped with a robust flight endurance, enabling extended flight times and making it ideal for long-duration missions. With its advanced GPS and navigation systems, the AS-P6000 ensures precise positioning and stability, even in challenging environmental conditions.

On the other hand, the AS-P4000 is designed with versatility in mind. It offers a balanced combination of power and agility, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks. Its compact design and lightweight construction contribute to its ease of transport, allowing users to deploy it rapidly in various locations. The AS-P4000 also integrates advanced obstacle detection and avoidance systems, which enhance safety and reliability during operation.

Both models feature high-definition cameras and infrared sensors, enabling users to capture detailed visual data for analysis. The integration of real-time data transmission technology ensures that operators receive instant feedback, facilitating quick decision-making and efficient workflow management. Furthermore, Athena Technologies has prioritized user experience by incorporating intuitive software solutions, allowing operators to plan flights, monitor performance, and analyze data seamlessly.

The drone bodies are constructed using durable materials designed to withstand harsh conditions, ensuring reliability and longevity. An efficient battery management system helps maximize uptime, reducing downtime between flights. Additionally, both models can be customized with various accessories to meet specific mission requirements, offering flexibility for different industries.

In conclusion, Athena Technologies’ AS-P6000 and AS-P4000 represent a leap forward in drone capabilities, blending functionality with innovative technology. Their distinctive features make them indispensable tools for professionals in multiple sectors, enhancing productivity and delivering accurate data for decision-making. Whether for precision agriculture, infrastructure inspection, or mapping, Athena’s drones are engineered to excel and adapt to the future of aerial operations.