Tools Install
3-8 AT85RFD-07 Getting Started User Guide
Do not restart your computer, exit the current session and log-in again
Start MusicPlayerIsp to check Java runtime installation
If the following pop-up appears, proceed with the SUN
JRE installation
3.2.2 SUN JRE To install the JRE, go to “Atmel\at85c51snd3b\T ools\In System Programming” directory
and click on the “Sun JRE download” URL shortcut.
Follow the install procedure of the SUN JRE.
3.3 USB Devices InstallationIn order to comple te the in stallation, the AT85 C51SND3B ISP USB d evice mus t be
3.3.1 AT85C51SND3B ISP
USB device
A USB removable mass-storage disk will be installed after plug-in.
– Press the ISP button
– Plug the board to a PC using the USB cable
A new USB device is installed and one removable disk is mounted in the explorer:
Note: The disk letter may differ.