ATAVRAUTOEK1 Getting Started
ATAVRAUTOEK1 User Guide 1-3
1.3 Quick Start
The ATAVRAU TOEK1 evalut ion kit con tains 3 ap plication boa rds (ATAVRA UTO100
/200 /300) and one board used as a tool(ATAVRAUTO102). All boards are shipped with
a demo firmware loaded. To run the demo all boards have to be connected to one LIN.
Please follow one of the two solutions described below.
1.3.1 With all boards
connected to the
This is the easiest way to start with the ATAVRAUTO evalua tion kit. Plug the motor in
the ATAVRAUTO200 connector or in the 10-pins connector on the PCB, add a DC volt-
age sourc e (8 to 18V) to VBat. The ATAVRAUT O evaluat ion kit i s shipped with the
jumper connected to the pin3 and pin4 (LIN0 and LIN1 are connected together).
Finally plug the evaluation kit to your PC via the USB cable to analyse LIN and CAN net-
works with X-Analyser.
+8V to +18V
Add the jumper to connect LIN0 to LIN1