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Atmel Corpor ation Atmel Operat ions
2325 Orc hard Pa rkway
San Jose , CA 9 5131, U SA
Tel: 1( 408) 44 1-0311
Fax: 1( 408) 48 7-2600
Region al Hea dquart ers


Atmel S arl
Route d es Arse naux 41
Case Po stale 8 0
CH-1705 Fribou rg
Switzerl and
Tel: (4 1) 26-4 26-5555
Fax: (4 1) 26-4 26-5500


Room 12 19
Chinache m Gold en Plaz a
77 Mody Road T simshat sui
East Ko wloon
Hong Kon g
Tel: (8 52) 272 1-9778
Fax: (8 52) 272 2-1369


9F, Ton etsu Sh inkawa Bldg.
1-24-8 Shinkaw a
Chuo-ku , Tokyo 104-00 33
Tel: (8 1) 3-35 23-3551
Fax: (8 1) 3-35 23-7581


2325 Orc hard Pa rkway
San Jose , CA 9 5131, U SA
Tel: 1( 408) 44 1-0311
Fax: 1( 408) 43 6-4314


2325 Orc hard Pa rkway
San Jose , CA 9 5131, U SA
Tel: 1( 408) 44 1-0311
Fax: 1( 408) 43 6-4314
La Chan trerie
BP 7060 2
44306 N antes C edex 3, France
Tel: (3 3) 2-40 -18-18- 18
Fax: (3 3) 2-40 -18-19- 60

ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards

Zone In dustriel le
13106 R ousset Cedex, France
Tel: (3 3) 4-42 -53-60- 00
Fax: (3 3) 4-42 -53-60- 01
1150 Ea st Cheye nne Mt n. Blvd .
Colorad o Sprin gs, CO 80906, USA
Tel: 1( 719) 57 6-3300
Fax: 1( 719) 54 0-1759
Scottish Enter prise T echnolo gy Park
Maxwell Buildi ng
East Ki lbride G75 0QR , Scotl and
Tel: (4 4) 1355 -803-00 0
Fax: (4 4) 1355 -242-74 3


Theresie nstras se 2
Postfach 3535
74025 H eilbronn , Germ any
Tel: (4 9) 71-3 1-67-0
Fax: (4 9) 71-3 1-67-23 40
1150 Ea st Cheye nne Mt n. Blvd .
Colorad o Sprin gs, CO 80906, USA
Tel: 1( 719) 57 6-3300
Fax: 1( 719) 54 0-1759

Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/

High Speed Converters/RF Datacom

Avenue d e Roche pleine
BP 123
38521 S aint-Eg reve Ce dex, Fr ance
Tel: (3 3) 4-76 -58-30- 00
Fax: (3 3) 4-76 -58-34- 80

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