Control of the evaluation kit receiver can be man-
aged from the front panel. Four control buttons are
available to to tune up and down, to auto-tune and
store, and to select different services within a set.
Four buttons are available to store preselections.
The two-line LCD graphic display shows, by default,
the operating frequency, DAB service name, and the
ensemble name. Additional information such as sig-
nal indication can be displayed using the buttons.
Functions of the kit include:
n Frequency tune up/down
n Auto scan
n Ensemble search up/down
n Control select (USB/USART)
n Service select
n 4 x preset
Diagnostic information about reception condition,
DAB-channel-related and audio-source-related
information is available via the USART or USB Inter-
face using the pc-installed software delivered with
the evaluation kit. The receiver can also be directly
controlled from pc-installed software, thus simplify-
ing control of the various functions of this high-per-
formance receiver.
The following interfaces are available on the rear of
the receiver:
n 1 USB
n 2 USARTs
n 1 Audio Output
n Antenna Input for Dual Band
n RDI Output to Add an External RDI Decoder
Display options include:
n Service and ensemble name
n Frequency
n Sychronisation information
n Error rate (EFCR)
n Dynamic Lable
n Genre
n Date and time
Features and Functionality
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