AVR1909: Display Xplained Hardware User's
240 x 320 (QVGA) graphical TFT display
- With resistive touch
- LED Backlight
- Internal controller
Simple SPI interface for control
Digital (PWM) control interface for backlight
One 40pin, 0.5mm FPC connector
Display and backlight powered by single 3.3V
1 Introduction
The Display Xplained module gives the possibility to evaluate a 240 x 320 pixel
(QVGA) graphical RGB TFT display with a 4-wire touch interface and LED
backlight. The display is interfaced with a simple SPI interface to send and receive
commands and data. The Xplain kit provides tested low–level drivers and high-
level functions in order to get the developer quickly up to speed with his application
Figure 1-1. Display Xplained evaluation module.
Application Note
Rev. 8297A-AVR-04/10