3.12 Interfaces The AVRRAVEN module has multiple interfaces that can be used for serial
communication, interaction with external sensors and control units such as relays and
of course programming and debugging.
Figure 3-3 AVRRAVEN User Interfaces
Table 3-1. Interfaces available on J401
Pin number Function Comment
1 Ext. power supply, 5-12V input External power input
2 Ext. power supply 0V Connected to internal 0V
3 Relay coil positive Relay driver circuit positive
4 Relay coil negative Relay driver circuit negative
5 Voltage measure input, 0-Vcc*5 Analog input via 47k/10k v oltage divider
6 Voltage measure input, 0-Vcc Analog input directly to ADC input.
7 Vcc Connected to the VCC net directly
8 User IO #1
9 User IO #2
10 User IO #3
11 User IO #4
Digital I/O, may interface an LED or a
switch directly. On-board 470Ω series
resistors and 10kΩ pull-ups are provided.
Pin change interrupts, TWI and USI is
also available on these pins.
12 Common Connected to internal 0V
Care should be taken when connecting to the AVRRAVEN’s interfaces, since there is
no protection circuitry provided. Damage to the MCUs or other circuits may be the
result of ESD spark, short circuits, polarity or over-voltage faults.