The Night Jaguar is the latest in Night Vision binoc- ulars, A comfortable ergonomic design makes the Night Jaguar one of the
NOTE: When installing the battery one should keep in mind that the polarity of the battery should coincide with the diagram on the body next to the battery hous- ing cap.
Objective lens protective cover is intended to pro- tect the objective lens from dust and scratches. It also will act as a daylight filter, allowing you to test the scope in daylight or other bright light situations. The pinhole in the center of the protective cover allows the user to check the operation ability of the device in daylight conditions.
NOTE: Do not test the scope in daylight conditions even with the daylight filter/lens cap on for more than ten (10) minutes.
•Take the monocular out of the case.
•Install the battery into the housing with the polar- ity order as shown on the scope. Battery Type: 3 Volt Lithium, #CR123A.
•To turn unit it on/off push the button on top of the unit marked O/l with the protective lens cover still attached to the lens. Do not turn the unit on in the daytime without the protective lens cap on. You should see green glow in the eyepiece. You may notice a persistent green glow for up to five (5) minutes after you have turned the unit off. This is normal for the 1st Gen Light intensifier tube.
•Observe the scene and adjust the diopters for optimal image clarity.
•You may now enter a dark environment or simply shut the lights off in order to darken the room.
•Next, remove the lens cap/daylight filter. You should not have to readjust the diopter.
NOTE: We suggest that you focus the diopter during daylight with the filter on.
New Dual
It is important to remember that the IR illuminator is simply an infra red light source, and like any light source, it may loose its effectiveness over a great distance.
To turn on/off the Wide angle IR push the button marked IR1 and release. To turn on the
NOTE: The IR will automatically turn off when the unit’s main power switch is turned off.
•If the device is not to be used for extended period of time (more than 10 days) remove the battery.
•Avoid touching lenses. If fingerprints or traces of dirt or dust appear, clean their surface with a Pho- tographic lens cleaning tissue.
•Keep lens cap/daylight filter on when not in use.
•The Night Jaguar is not harmful to the user or the environment.
•Do not disassemble except to clean the front lens and eyepiece: it will void your warranty.
•Evaluate the monocular function by looking through it in a lit environment with the daylight filter lens cap on. Never use in daylight without the daylight filter lens cap on.
•Never point the Night Jaguar at a bright light source.
•Adverse atmospheric conditions such as fog, smog or haze and a lack of ambient light (moon or starlight) may diminish the effective viewing distance.
Q:Flashes, flickers or clicking occur while operat- ing.
S:If it occurs within the first five minutes of insert- ing new batteries, it is normal and the device will resume normal operation soon thereafter. If it occurs for more than 10 minutes, contact service instructions.
Q:Dark spots on screen.
S:These are either cosmetic blemishes in the intensifier tube or dust particles.
Q:Screen becomes darker than at previous use.
S:Replace batteries. If problem persists, contact your dealer or other authorized service representa- tive for service instructions.
Q:Image not clear.
S:Adjust objective lens, and/or the eyepiece.