TH146-N-U 4/12
Wiring Tables
Heat Pump
Termi nal Device 1H1C 2H1C 3H1C 2H2C 3H2C 4H2C 3H3C
TH Console Connect the console between the TH terminals (no polarity)
PS Plenum sensor Connect the plenum sensor between the PS and CS terminals (no polarity)
CS Common S Common terminal for the plenum sensor and the outdoor sensor
OS Outdoor sensor Connect the outdoor sensor between the CS and OS terminals (no polarity)
DE Dual Energy Connect the dual-register meter between the DE and CC terminals (no polarity)
CC Common C Common terminal for the dual-energy meter and the unoccupied mode input
UN Unoccupied mode input Connect a dry contact between the UN and CC terminals (no polarity)
HHumidifier (24 Vac / 1 A) Connect the humidifier between the H terminals (dry contact)
DDehumidifier (24 Vac / 1 A) Connect the dehumidifier between the D terminals (dry contact)
RPower (24 Vac)
Y1 Compressor 1 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
Y2 Compressor 2 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
Y3 Compressor 3 (24 Vac / 1 A)
W1 Auxiliary heat 1 (24 Vac / 1 A)  
W2 Auxiliary heat 2 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
W3/O/B Reversing valve (24 Vac / 1 A) 
G Fan (24 Vac / 1A) 
L Fault (24 Vac / 5 mA) 
WW Defrost (24 Vac / 5 mA) 
NC Not used
Termi nal Device 1H 2H 3H 1C 2C 3C 1H1C 1H2C 2H1C 2H2C 2H3C 3H1C 3H2C 3H3C
TH Console Connect the console sensor between the TH terminals (no polarity)
PS Plenum sensor Connect the plenum sensor between the PS and CS terminals (no polarity)
CS Commo n S Common terminal for both plenum sensor and outdoor sensor
OS Outdoor sensor Connect the outdoor sensor between the OS and CS terminals (no polarity)
DE Not used
CC Common C Common terminal for the unoccupied mode input
UN Unoccupied mode input Connect a dry contact between UN and R terminals (no polarity)
HHumidifier (24 Vac / 1 A) Connect the humidifier between the H terminals (dry contact)
DDehumidifier (24 Vac / 1 A) Connect the dehumidifier between the D terminals (dry contact)
RPower (24 Vac)
Y1 Cooling unit 1 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
Y2 Cooling unit 2 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
Y3 Cooling unit 3 (24 Vac / 1 A) 
W1 H eating unit 1 (24 Vac / 1 A)  
W2 H eating unit 2 (24 Vac / 1 A)  
W3/O/B Heating unit 3 (24 Vac / 1 A)  
G Fan (24 Vac / 1 A) 
LNot used
WW Not used
NC Not used