A common problem with amplifiers is their In-Rush current.
That is the extra power that the amplifier draws from the AC wall
outlet when you turn on the amplifier. A single 15 amp household
circuit may be fine for running a couple Brand X amplifiers under
normal operation, but when they are first turned on, the combined
in-rush current draw is usually enough to pop the house circuit
breaker. This is a major problem in areas where there are frequent
brown-outs or power fluctuations. Our patented (U.S. Patent
#5,708,577) power supply design smoothly ramps up the Archi-
tect from a cold start. This keeps the in-rush current under control
and means you don’t have to over rate the AC feed just to keep
breakers from blowing during a brownout.
This amplifier is not only smart enough to protect itself, the
Architect 900 series amplifiers also protects the speakers. When
the volume is turned up too high and an amplifier is pushed into
clipping; the resulting distortion will probably damage the tweet-
ers in your speakers. AudioControl’s exclusive LightDrive protec-
tion system eliminates the possibility of signal clipping in the
Architect, even under the most demanding of conditions.
What is clipping? That’s where the speaker output of an
amplifier tries to exceed the available voltage of the amplifier’s
power supply. When that occurs, the amplifier can no longer
properly create the audio signal waveform and the audio output
becomes sharply squared off. This abrupt cutoff creates ultrason-
ics and high frequency distortion that is too much for a poor little
speaker like a tweeter to handle. LightDrive solves this problem
by continuously monitoring the output of the amplifier channels. If
a channel begins to get near the limit of the power supply, it
immediately begins compressing the audio to reduce the volume
level. This happens so quickly that you’ll never even hear the
LightDrive system kick in…although your speaker will breathe a
sigh of relief because it did.