•All Presets revert to empty
•Normal Tuning Mode
•Display Contrast to 50%
•FM Modulator to On
•FM Frequency to 88.1MHz
•Access to all skipped channels (Locked chan-
nels remain locked)
•Audio Output Level to 70%
•Memory Search On
•Memory Locations are erased
Upon entering this mode, pressing the Channel Up/Down
buttons toggles between the Yes or No function/display
selection. If Yes is chosen, the unit reverts to the
original factory settings for the following parameters:
•12 Hour Clock Format
•Eastern Time Zone
•Daylight Savings Time Observed
•Alarm Off
•Alarm Time 12:00PM
•Sleep Mode Off
Remote Control Unit
The wireless remote control supplied with the XR9 is
capable of operating most of the features from a re-
mote location. Each button on the remote control func-
tions in the same way as the button on the XR9 unit. For
a full description of a keypad button or function refer to
the preceding sections in this manual. For optimal op-
eration of the remote control, always aim it toward the
Remote Sensor on the front panel of the main unit.