Chapter 5 Customizing NV DVR System

9.In CD/DVD Backup, enable/disable Delete file after burning check box to remove the archived file after burning. Click Burn to start and Exit to cancel this process.

5.7Sensor Setting

The I/O device must be installed to use this function. The NV DVR system also support external I/O box and user can install external sensors. For external sensor setting, please referring to the sensor vendor user’s manual.

To Set the Sensor Setting:

1.Click the drop-down list and select the sensor ID number.

2.Enter sensor name.

3.The system automatically detects the card and input number. In the Content section, enter sensor description.

4.In the test section, click Test to check the sensor status. Red is high and Green is low.

5.Click OK to exit and accept the setting and Cancel to exit without saving the setting.

5.8Relay Setting

The I/O device must be installed to use this function.

To set the Relay Setting:

1.Click the drop-down list and select the relay ID number.

2.Enter relay name.

3.The system automatically detects the card and input number. In the Content section, enter relay description.

4.In the test section, click Test to trigger relay. Red is high and Green is low.

5.Click OK to exit and accept the setting and Cancel to exit without saving the setting.