34 AutoView 1000R/ AutoView 2000R Installer/User Guide
CAUTION: Monitor damage can result from the use of Energy mode with monitors not
compliant with ENERGY STAR®.
5. (Optional) Click Test to activate the screen saver test which lasts 10
seconds then returns you to the Security dialog box.
6. Click OK.
NOTE: Activation of the screen saver mode disconnects the user from a server; no server is
selected. The status fl ag displays Free.

To exit the screen saver mode:

Press any key or move your mouse. The Main dialog box appears and any
previous server connection will be restored.

To turn off the screen saver:

1. In the Security dialog box, clear Enable Screen Saver.
2. Click OK.

To immediately turn on the screen saver:

Press Print Screen, then press Pause.
Setting the Keyboard Country Code
NOTE: Using the keyboard code that sup ports a language differe nt from that of your AutoView
1000R/2000R fi rmware will cause incorrect keyboard mapping.
Sun servers may use key mappings for non-US keyboards. By default,
AutoView 1000R/2000R appliances send the US keyboard country code to Sun
and USB modules attached to servers, and the code is applied to the servers
when they are powered up or rebooted. Codes are then stored in the
AVRIQ modules.
Issues may arise when you use the US keyboard country code with a keyboard
of another country. For example, the Z key on a US keyboard is in the same
location as the Y key on a German keyboard. Sun servers will interpret
pressing the Y key on a German keyboard as the Z key when the US keyboard
country code is used.
The Keyboard command enables you to send a different keyboard country
code than the default US setting. The specified country code is sent to all
servers attached to the AutoView 1000R/2000R appliances when they are
powered up or rebooted, and the new code is stored in the AVRIQ modules.
NOTE: If an AVRIQ module is moved to a different server, the keyboard country code will need to
be reset.