The following instructions will allow you
to set up your MergePoint 5224/5240
service processor manager easily.
Quick Installation Guide
MergePointTM 5224/5240
Service Processor (SP) Manager
To connect a MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager
This quick install guide shows how to install the SP manager and assign it an IP address needed for remote confi guration of users and devices.
Prerequisite knowledge for administrators and users is in the MergePoint 5224/5240 Service Processor Manager User Guide. If Avocent DSView® 3 management software is being used to manage the appliance, see the DSView 3 Management Software Installer/User Guide.
1Connecting power to the switch
NOTE: On appliances with two power supplies, connect each supply to a separate power source.
Make sure the appliance power switches are off.
For AC models, plug the power cord(s) into the appliance and plug the other end(s) in grounded AC power source(s). For DC models, wire the terminal block(s) to separate DC power sources. Turn on the power switch(es).
2Connecting to the network
Connect a standard Ethernet cable from the primary 10/100/GE (Gigabit Ethernet) public port to the network. For additional options for confi guring the secondary 10/100 Ethernet port, including setting up failover, see the MergePoint 5224/5240 Service Processor Manager Installer and Administrator Guide.
3Connecting devices
Connect a standard Ethernet cable from any of the private Ethernet ports on the appliance to any of the following types of Ethernet ports on the other end:
•A dedicated Ethernet port on a service processor
•A dedicated Ethernet port on a router or similar device that allows access to the device’s console
•A dedicated Ethernet port on a blade server managing multiple blade service processors
4Connecting a terminal for configuration of a static IP address
Connect a terminal or a computer running a terminal emulation program to the console port using the
NOTE: This step is optional if the appliance is going to be managed by DSView 3 management software; the appliance can be discovered and assigned an IP address automatically.
Remote User
5Configuring basic network parameters
Perform the following confi guration if using a terminal or terminal emulator connected in step 3. If using DSView 3 management software or another
WARNING: Whatever method you use for configuration, make sure to change the root password from “cyclades” for security.
a.Start a terminal session connecting to the appliance console port: ANSI emulation, 9600 speed, 8 bit data length, no parity, 1 stop bit and no fl ow control.
b.Log in as the root user by using the default password cyclades.
c.Enter the passwd command and change root’s password.
d.Enter the cli command. The cli> prompt appears.
e.Activate the primary Ethernet interface and confi gure basic network parameters, including a static IP address for the appliance.
cli> set network interface eth0 active yes method\ static address <appliance_IPaddress> gateway\ <gateway_IPaddress> netmask <netmask> broadcast\ <broadcast_IPaddress>
Console User
f.Confi gure a hostname, a DNS domain, a primary DNS server and an optional secondary DNS server.
cli> set network hostname <appliance_hostname>\ cli> set network resolv domain\ <domain_name> dns0\ <DNSserver_IPaddress> dns1\ <optional_second_DNSserver_IPaddress>
g.Save the changes.
cli> commit
h.Exit the cli utility. cli> quit
i.Log out.
j.Confi gure user authorizations, authentication and access to devices, either using the appliance Web Manager or DSView 3 software.
If using the Web Manager, enter the IP address in a browser to bring up the Web Manager.
If using DSView software, enter the IP address to bring up the DSView software client.
For additional information
For more installation details and for how to confi gure target devices and users, see the MergePoint 5224/5240 Service Processor Manager Installer and Administrator Guide.
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