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The AV5000 series II is a compact, very efficient, five channel power amplifier. It is
designed to be used in all types of audio or audio/video systems.
The AV5000 series II utilizes high quality electronic circu itry to achieve an environ ment
wherein a detailed, transparent, and highly musical sound can be realized. The high
quality parts complement include state-of-the-art solid state devices, 1% metal film
resistors, computer grade electrolytic power supply capacitors, and a high capacity
toroidal transformer.
The AV5000 series II operates class A predriver and AB high current MOSFET power
output stages. It is capable of reproducing the most demanding audio signals at rated
power levels.
- Efficient high current transformer for improved dynamics.
- More accurate and three dimensional reproduction of source
- Improves low level detail for smoother, more musical sound.
- For efficient and linear power delivery.
- Provides short term protection from accidental shorting of output
devices and protection from thermal overload.
- Improve connections for better sound and minimized signal
loss and degradation.
- Low noise resistors for better sound and a greater degree
of repeatability.
- Ability to reproduce demanding recordings.
- Large capacity computer grade electrolytic capacitors
for extended low frequency control and improved dynamics.