If your Library includes any books eligible to be lent out, they will appear on the shelf of lendable books in the LendMe section of your Library.

LendMe badges are present when you are browsing and searching for books in the NOOK Store on the BN.com website. When you navigate to the details page of a book, you’ll see a LendMe badge on the book’s cover if that book can be lent.

LendMe badges are present in your library on the BN.com website. If you can lend a book, a LendMe badge is present below the date added. Click the badge to lend the book.

If you have lent a book, it appears in the list of books you have lent. On the cover of each book, you’ll see the number of days left on the loan.

Viewing Books that are Borrowed, Lent, or Available for Lending

Viewing Books in the NOOK Friends App

You can also view a list of lendable books by tapping the Lend tab on the LendMe screen of the NOOK Friends app. The Lend tab displays a list of your lendable books, along with a LendMe button for each book. The screen below shows the Lend page in the LendMe view of NOOK Friends. This page lists the books you own that are available for lending.

To lend a book, tap the LendMe button. (For more details about lending, see the section “Lending a Book” below.)

Viewing Books in Your Library

You can also view a list of lendable books in your Library. In its list of contents, your Library shows:

A shelf of books, if any, that you have borrowed.

If a book is still on loan, a number appears on its cover, indicating the number of days remaining before the book returns to its owner.

A shelf of books, if any, that you own and that are eligible for lending.

A shelf of books, if any, that you have lent.

Keeping Your List of Lendable Books Private

By default, all your NOOK Friends can see all your lendable books.

Your NOOK offers two ways to control the privacy of your lendable books.

You can control whether or not your list of lendable books is visible to your NOOK Friends.

If you choose to leave your list of lendable books visible to NOOK Friends, you can choose to show or hide individual titles in the list.

To adjust your privacy settings for lendable books, do this:

1.In the NOOK Friends app, tap the Privacy button in the upper right of the screen.

The NOOK Friends app opens a window listing all your books that are legible for lending. Beside each book, a toggle button appears, presenting you with the choice of showing or hiding that book.

2.Use the authorization checkbox to control whether or not your NOOK Friends can see any of your books.

To make any of your books visible to friends, tap the checkbox labeled I authorize my NOOK Friends to see my lendable books and leave the box checked.

To make your entire list of books invisible to friends, leave this box unchecked.


Barnes & Noble NOOK HD User Guide