Guidelines 11.0
General Equipment
•Check filters daily at least once. Clean rinse off as necessary. The filter assemblies are intended to keep agglomerates, plant debris and other foreign substances from going through the system and plugging lines. If an accumulation of material is found, the filter basket should be removed and rinsed free of the debris.
•Clean pump and product lines frequently to avoid an accumulation of product buildup over time.
•Avoid low spots or bows on hoses and supply lines where products may have a tenden- cy to accumulate and or settle.
•If the treating system is being shut down for a weekend or more, fill the work tanks to their maximum level and flush any product from the lines to avoid any potential product settling.
•Product supply lines running from a pump to the application equipment should be installed so they run laterally and up to the treater to ensure constant flow and com- plete product removal when the lines are drained.
Electronic and CBT Treating Systems
•Make routine
•On the