6.2 Delay values / increments for presets 10 and 11Variation
Type Edit A Step Size
(L & R)
Delay (L)
From (ms) Until (ms) From (ms) Until (ms )
1 0 315 0 315 5
2 320 635 320 635 5
3 640 955 640 955 5
4 960 1275 960 1275 5
5 0 315 320 635 5
6 0 315 640 955 5
7 0 315 960 1275 5
8 320 635 640 955 5
9 320 635 960 1275 5
10 640 95 5 960 1275 5
11 0 630 1280 1910 10
12 0 630 1920 2550 10
13 0 630 2560 3190 10
14 0 630 3200 3830 10
15 640 1270 1280 1910 10
16 640 1270 1920 2550 10
17 640 1270 2560 3190 10
18 640 1270 3200 3830 10
19 1280 1910 1920 2550 10
20 1280 1910 2560 3190 10
21 1280 1910 3200 3830 10
22 1280 1910 3840 4470 10
23 1920 2550 2560 3190 10
24 1920 2550 3200 3830 10
25 1920 2550 3840 4470 10
26 1920 2550 4480 5110 10
27 2560 3190 3200 3830 10
28 2560 3190 3840 4470 10
29 2560 3190 4480 5110 10
30 3200 3830 3840 4470 10
31 3200 3830 4480 5110 10
32 3840 4470 4480 5110 10
Delay (R)
Fig. 6.2: Increment table for presets 10 and 11