1.2.4 Transformer balanced outputs (optional)
In contrast to electronic balancing, the use of transformer-balanced outputs offers the advantage of galvanic
separation between units. Electrical potential differences and ground loops in audio installations do not there-
fore impair the performance of the units. The transformer-balanced outputs, commonly used in radio and TV
engineering, can also be fitted retrospectively upon request. The BEHRINGER transformer OT-1 is designed to
the highest exacting standards and is available as an accessory.


Fig. 2.1: COMPOSER PRO front panel
The BEHRINGER COMPOSER PRO has two identical channels. Each channel is equipped with eight backlit
push-buttons, eight rotary controls and 30 LEDs. The COUPLE switch is for stereo operation:
By engaging the COUPLE switch the COMPOSER PRO is converted to stereo mode, where the controls of
the left channel take over the control of both audio channels. The control signal for the control
characteristic consists of either the sum of the left and right audio signal or the sum of the external audio
signals, which are being fed into both SC RETURN connectors. By pressing the COUPLE switch, you
override all the controls and switches of channel 2 with the exception of the IN/OUT, SC EXT, SC MON,
SCFILTER and I/O METER switches. As a result, the controls of channel 1 take over the functions of
channel 2.
+Should you wish to use the SC EXT function in stereo mode, then be sure that both SC RETURN
connectors are connected to the external control signal, and that the SC EXT switches on both
channels are engaged.

2.1 Expander/gate section

Fig. 2.2: Control elements of expander/gate section
Use the THRESHOLD control to determine the threshold point below which expansion occurs. The
range of this control is from OFF to +15 dB.