Your PRO MIXER features an effects loop that can be used
for an external effects unit or a sampler. The signal is
taken at the PFL section through the SEND connector and
fed into your external equipment. The signal laid out at the
SEND connector is therefore identical to the headphone
signal. Connect this output to the input of your effects unit.
The signal that was processed externally is mixed into the
MAIN OUT signal using the RETURN channel. Use the RET
control to adjust the volume of the effects signal (see ).
Connect this input to the outputs of your effects unit.
This is the connector for the power cable. This is where
the advantage of a sophisticated internal power supply
can be seen: the pulse behaviour of each amplifying circuit
is mainly determined by the voltage reserves available.
Each mixing console is equipped with numerous
operational amplifiers (op amps) to process line level
signals. Due to limited output of their power supplies,
many mixing consoles show signs of stress when
subjected to heavy loads. But not your PRO MIXER: the
sound is always clear and transparent.
the unit to the mains, ensure that the voltage setting
matches your local voltage. Blown fuses should only be
replaced by a fuse of the same type and rating. On some
units, the fuses holder can be switched to one of two
positions, i.e. 230 V and 120 V. Please note: should you
desire to operate the unit outside Europe at 120 V, a
higher fuse rating is required.
+To disconnect power from main, pull out the main
cord plug. When installing the product, ensure that
the plug is easily accessible. If mounting in a rack,
ensure that the mains can be easily disconnected
by a plug or by an all-pole disconnect switch on or
near the rack.


3.1 Audio connections

For various applications, you will need a number of different
cables. The following illustrations show how these cables are
to be connected. Always make sure to use high-grade cables.
+Be sure that installation and operation of your
VMX1000 are performed only by qualified
personnel. During as well as after installation,
sufficient grounding of both your equipment and
persons handling it must be assured. Otherwise,
electrostatic discharge may lead to undesirable
operation or permanent damage.
Fig. 3.1: XLR connections
Fig. 3.2: 1/4" TS connector
Fig. 3.3: 1/4" TRS connector
Fig. 3.4: 1/4" TRS headphone connector
Fig. 3.5: RCA cable