B) Freezer compartment



The￿fan￿inside￿the￿freezer￿compartment￿circulates￿cold￿air.￿Never￿insert￿any￿object￿through the￿guard.￿Do￿not￿allow￿children￿to￿play￿with￿the￿freezer￿fan. Never￿store￿products￿that￿contain￿inflammable￿propellant￿gas￿(eg￿dispensers,￿spray￿cans etc.)￿or￿explosive￿substances. Don't￿cover￿the￿shelves￿with￿any￿protective￿materials,￿which￿may￿obstruct￿air￿circulation. Do￿not￿allow￿children￿to￿play￿with￿the￿appliance￿or￿tamper￿with￿the￿controls. Do￿not￿obstruct￿the￿freezer￿fan￿guard￿to￿ensure￿that￿you￿obtain￿the￿best￿possible performance￿from￿your￿appliance.











2.Use￿a￿flat￿tipped￿screwdriver￿to￿remove￿the￿light￿diffuser￿cover￿by￿inserting￿the￿blade￿in each￿of￿the￿two￿recesses￿to￿prise￿off￿each￿side.

3.First￿check￿that￿the￿bulb￿hasn't￿worked￿loose￿by￿ensuring￿it￿is￿screwed￿securely￿in￿the holder.￿Replace￿the￿plug￿and￿switch￿on.￿If￿the￿bulb￿works,￿replace￿the￿light￿cover￿by inserting￿the￿rear￿lug￿and￿pushing￿up￿to￿locate￿the￿front￿two￿lugs.

4.If￿the￿light￿still￿fails￿to￿work,￿switch￿off￿at￿the￿socket￿outlet￿and￿pull￿out￿the￿mains￿plug. Replace￿the￿bulb￿with￿a￿new￿15￿watt￿(max)￿screw￿cap￿(SES)￿bulb.


Replacement￿light￿bulb￿can￿easily￿be￿obtained￿from￿a￿good￿local￿electrical￿or￿DIY store.


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Beko CF5713AP Thefreezercompartmentdefrostsautomatically, TemperatureThawing, Shouldthelightfailtowork,proceedasfollows

CF5713AP specifications

The Beko CF5713AP is a modern and efficient chest freezer designed to meet the storage needs of families and individuals alike, making it an essential appliance for those who prefer to buy in bulk. With its generous capacity and practical features, this model ensures that food preservation and organization are both convenient and effective.

One of the main features of the Beko CF5713AP is its impressive storage capacity. It offers a spacious interior that can accommodate a significant amount of frozen food, making it ideal for those who like to stock up on groceries or prepare meals in advance. The adjustable shelving allows users to maximize space according to their needs, enabling easy access and organization of items.

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of the CF5713AP, with its A+ energy rating ensuring that it operates with minimal energy consumption. This not only helps reduce electricity bills but also contributes to an eco-friendly lifestyle. The appliance's efficient cooling technology ensures that food remains frozen even during power outages, preserving valuable food items.

In terms of temperature control, the Beko CF5713AP features a simple and user-friendly adjustable thermostat. This allows users to set the ideal temperature for their frozen goods, ensuring that everything from meats to vegetables is stored under optimal conditions. Additionally, the fast freeze function makes it possible to quickly freeze fresh food items, helping to lock in flavors and nutrients.

The design of the Beko CF5713AP is both practical and aesthetic, with a clean white finish that can seamlessly blend into any home environment. Its low noise operation is another highlight, ensuring that it does not disrupt the household during use.

Safety features have not been overlooked in the Beko CF5713AP. It includes a secure lid that seals tightly to prevent any temperature fluctuations and an interior light that illuminates the contents, making it easier to find what you need even in low-light conditions.

Overall, the Beko CF5713AP stands out for its large capacity, energy efficiency, intuitive controls, and user-friendly design. Whether for home use or for business needs, this chest freezer is a reliable and practical appliance that effectively supports food preservation and storage requirements.