Technical Details
Technical Features
Integrated 802..11n Wireless Access Point
NAT IP Address Sharing
To save you the cost of adding IP addresses per computer in your house, your Belkin Router uses Network Address Translation (NAT) technology, allowing you to share a single IP address across your network..
SPI Firewall
Your Router is equipped with a firewall that will protect your network from a wide array of common attacks and viruses..
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) Compatibility
The UPnP (Universal
Web-Based Advanced User Interface
You can easily make changes to your Router’s advanced settings through your web browser.. These changes can be made from any computer on your network..
Belkin Router Monitor
The Belkin Router Monitor application helps you to monitor your Router’s status and change network settings..
Integrated 4-Port Gigabit Switch
Your Router has a
Dual USB Ports
Two USB ports let you plug in printers, hard drives, and other USB devices to share across your network..