BENQ Corporation
This field shows the current radio channel used for an active connection.
Service Set Identity
Tx Rate
This field shows the current transmit rate which are being used for an active
Int. Roaming (not supported by this model, AWL400)
Radio (not supported by this model, AWL400)
The current state of the driver is displayed in this field. If the state reveals
“Associated,“ it means that the normal flow of operation is in Infrastructure mode.
This shows that the PC is already connected to access point and BSSID is also
shown in the form of hex digits. At the same time, the networking is available for the
In “Scanning ” state, it means that the node cannot detect the SSID to get an access
point within range and is searching for an available access point. Also, if the driver
failed to initialize for some unknown reasons, this field will display an error message.
Signal Strength
The Signal Strength bar graph becomes active only when the node is in
Infrastructure Mode does. This bar graphic shows normalized signal strength as
reported by the radio, averaged over all frames over 100 bytes long received from
the Access Point.
Link Quality
This field reveals the quality of the current connection. Only when the node is in
Infrastructure Mode does the Link Quality bar graph become active. The bar graph
displays the link quality between the node and its Access Point.