Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide
You have to create an entry for usb-0 inferface via RS-232 cable.
Please refer the procedure on page 10 and type “create bridge
port intf ifname usb-0” on step 7.
If you do not have an eoa-0 interface, but instead have an
interface named ppp-0 or ipoa-0, your device is not currently
configured with a WAN interface that allows bridging with your
ISP. You may want to check with your ISP to determine whether
they use the eoa protocol. See Chapter 11 for instructions on
creating an EOA interface.
If you enable bridging on an interface that has already been
assigned an IP address, then it is considered IP-enabled and will
route (rather than bridge) IP packets received on the interface.
The interface will bridge non-IP data it receives, however.
You can determine whether the Ethernet (eth-0) and USB (usb-0)
interfaces have been assigned IP addresses by displaying the IP
Address Table (display the Routing tab, and then click IP
Address). These interfaces will display in the table only if they
have been assigned IP addresses.
You can check whether the eoa-0 interface has been assigned an
IP address by displaying the EOA configuration table (click the
WAN tab, and then click EOA). If the Config IP Address field is
empty and the Use DHCP field contains the word Disable, then no
IP address has been assigned.
3. Click the Enable radio button to turn on bridging.
4. Click .
A page will briefly display to confirm your changes, and will return you to the Bridge
Configuration page.
5. Click the Admin tab, and then click Commit & Reboot in the task bar.
6. Click to save your changes to permanent memory.
Deleting a Bridge Interface 1. To make an interface non-bridgeable, display the Bridge Configuration page and click
next to the interface you want to delete. Click to confirm the deletion. The
interface remains defined in the system, but is no longer capable of performing bridgi ng.