4.2 Windows DSL Status Application
The Billion ADSL USB Modem control panel program provides a quick and easy way to
configure and check the performance of the modem and the ADSL connection. When open,
the monitor window updates every 2 seconds.
To access the DSL St atus Application, the device driver must be
running. Also, make sure the USB cable is plugged into the
modem. .
1. There are three methods to access ADSL USB Modem DSL status application.
From the start menu by selecting Start ->Program-> BiPAC 7001 ADSL USB Modem->
DSL Status, or
From the PC desktop, double click the DSL Modem icon in the system tray, or
From the PC desktop, double click the DSL Modem icon.
2. The DSL Status Application allows you to review the current state of the Billion ADSL
USB Modem and connection. The green indicator for Link Status signifies that a
connection has been made. This indicator blinks while a connection is being established.
3. The system information can be displayed by clicking on the arrow button . This