1. Check manufacturer’s tag before cleaning.“W” or “WS”
on the tag means you can use your ProHeat ClearView.
If the tag is coded with “X”or “S” (with a diagonal strike
through), or says “Dry Clean Only,”do not proceed. Do
not use on velvet or silk. If manufacturer’s tag is missing
or not coded, check with your furniture dealer.
Check for colorfastness in an inconspicuous place.
If possible, check upholstery stuffing. Colored stuffing
may bleed through fabric when wet.
Plan activities to give upholstery time to dry.
Vacuum thoroughly to pick up loose debris and pet hair.
Use a vacuum with a brush attachment and a crevice
tool to clean in fabric folds and tufts.
How to Clean Upholstery and Small Areas
Important - Check Upholstery Tags:
Adsdfdd ghg bvh
cvbbj jkn hnbj jkvh
gcghhjj jhffhl kllgh
Manufacturer’s tag