BlackBerry® Curve33
Login Instructions
1. You can start TeleNav GPS Navigator by clicking the icon
on the Home screen.
Note: Depending on the Theme you are using, the TeleNav GPS Navigator icon might be
in the Applications folder.
Login Instructions
2. Once you have read through the
terms of use, click the Trackball or
press the Menu key for a list of
menu options. If you agree with the
terms of use, select the option for
Accept & Login.
3. To complete the login the login
process, you will be prompted to
enter your TeleNav GPS Navigator
Password. This password will be
sent to you via SMS. Once you have
entered your password, press the
Note: Your BlackBerry device may prompt you for permission to use services such as GPS,
the data network or Phone Logs. Click Always Allow on these prompts if you wish to allow
TeleNav GPS Navigator to access these information sources and function.