Bosch Appliances MCP 3500 manual Pressing fruit

Models: MCP 3500

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Pressing fruit

Pressing fruit

1. Press halved citrus fruit onto the pressing cone￿

2.Hold fruit in position￿

Note: The citrus juicer starts running when the fruit pressed onto the pressing cone￿

￿The pressing cone may rotate in a clockwise or anti&clockwise direction￿

￿ The direction of rotation may change while the f is being pressed￿

￿If￿excessive pressure is applied￿ the pressing cone stops￿ Reduce the pressure until the pressing cone restarts￿

3.To switch off the appliance￿ reduce the￿pressure

on the pressing cone and wait untill the￿citrus juicer stops￿

4.Empty the full strainer basket￿

Note: The fruit pulp content of the juice can be adjusted by rotating the lower filter insert￿

￿￿￿narrower￿gap means less fruit pulp￿ but also a￿slower flow rate￿

￿If more pulp is required￿ adjust or remove the￿lo filter insert￿

￿ Dismantle the strainer basket before cleaning￿

￿When re&assembling the strainer basket￿ ensure that the parts are in the correct position￿


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Bosch Appliances MCP 3500 manual Pressing fruit