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To set up the remote to control your cable/satellite box
1. Turn on both the 3•2•1 system and your cable/satellite box.
2. Press and hold the CBLSAT button until the remote LED is lit (about five seconds).
3. On the remote keypad, enter the four-digit device code for your cable/satellite box. The
LED will turn off temporarily as you press each key.
4. Check that the LED turns off after the code is entered. If the LED blinks, the code is
invalid. Try again.
5. Point the remote at your cable/satellite box and press the CBLSAT On-Off button. If
your cable/satellite box does not respond, go back to step 2 and try other codes. If you
are still unsuccessful, see “Searching for a device code” on page 31.
To set up the remote to control your VCR or DVR (such as Tivo or Replay TV brands)
1. Turn on both the 3•2•1 system and your VCR or DVR.
Press and hold the AUX button until the remote LED is lit (about five seconds).
3. On the remote keypad, enter the four-digit device code for your VCR/DVR. The LED will
turn off temporarily as you press each key.
4. Check that the LED turns off after the code is entered. If the LED blinks, the code is
invalid. Try again.
Point the remote at your VCR or DVR and press the AUX On-Off button. If your VCR or
DVR does not respond, go back to step 2 and try other codes. If you are still unsuccess-
ful, see “Searching for a device code” on page 31.
Searching for a device code Use this method if you do not know the device code for a device.
Note: This is a very time-consuming process. Use it as a last resort.
To set up the remote to control your TV
1. Turn on both the 3•2•1 system and your TV.
2. Press and hold TVuntil the remote LED is lit (about five seconds).
3. Alternately press Channel and TV On-Off until your TV turns off.
4. Press Enter. Check that the remote LED turns off.
5. Point the remote at your TV and press TV On-Off. If your TV does not respond, go back
to step 2 and try again.