
Na‰e v˘robky sú vyrobené tak, aby spÍÀali tie najvy‰‰ie nároky na kvalitu, funkãnosÈ a dizajn. Dúfame, Ïe budete so svojím nov˘m holiacim strojãekom Braun veºmi spokojní.


Tento holiaci strojãek je vybaven˘ ‰peciálnym prevodníkom na nízke napätie (‰peciálnou sieÈovou ‰núrou so sieÈov˘m adaptérom). Preto nesmiete Ïiadnu jeho ãasÈ meniÈ, ani ju rozoberaÈ. Inak by mohlo dôjsÈ k úrazu elektrick˘m prúdom.


1Ochrann˘ kryt planÏety

2 Holiaca planÏeta

3 Britov˘ blok

4 Strihaã dlh˘ch fúzov

5 Kontrolka nabíjania

6 Spínaã zapnutia/vypnutia

7 ·peciálna sieÈová ‰núra


Najvhodnej‰ia teplota okolia pre nabíjanie: 15 °C aÏ 35 °C.

Pomocou ‰peciálnej sieÈovej ‰núry pripojte holiaci strojãek do sieÈovej zásuvky, priãom nechajte motorãek strojãeka vypnut˘.

Pri prvom nabíjaní nabíjajte strojãek nepretrÏite

4 hodiny. Kontrolka nabitia (5) ukáÏe, kedy je strojãek nabit˘. Keì je batéria úplne nabitá, kontrolka preru‰o- vane bliká. To indikuje, Ïe batéria je nabitá na plnú kapacitu.

Plné nabitie umoÏÀuje, v závislosti na vzraste va‰ich chÍpkov, cca 30 minút holenia bez pripojenia k sieti.

Po plnom nabití strojãek vybite normálnym pouÏívaním. Následne ho znova nabite na plnú kapacitu. Nasledujúce nabíjanie bude trvaÈ pribliÏne 1 hodinu.

Maximálnu kapacitu batérie dosiahnete aÏ po niekoº- k˘ch cykloch nabíjania/vybíjania.

V prípade, Ïe je akumulátorová batéria vybitá, môÏete sa holiÈ strojãekom pripojen˘m do sieÈovej zásuvky za pomoci ‰peciálnej sieÈovej ‰núry.


Odoberte ochrann˘ kryt planÏety (1). Zapnite strojãek prepínaãom zapnutia/vypnutia (6). Plávajúca holiaca planÏeta sa automaticky prispôsobuje povrchu va‰ej pokoÏky a zaisÈuje tak dôkladné a hladké oholenie.

Ak ste sa niekoºko dní neholili, pouÏite pre skrátenie dlh˘ch chÍpkov najprv zastrihávaã dlh˘ch chÍpkov (4). Potom sa ohoºte dohladka holiacou planÏetou.

Zastrihávanie dlh˘ch chÍpkov

VysuÀte zastrihávaã dlh˘ch chÍpkov (4). Zastrihávaã umoÏÀuje kontrolované zastrihovanie chÍpkov (a). Rovnomerne zastrihuje ‰ir‰ie plochy a je ideálny pre tvarovanie bokombrady a fúzov.

âasté pouÏívanie zastrihávaãa dlh˘ch chÍpkov môÏe zníÏiÈ kapacitu batérie.


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Braun 2675 manual Slovensk˘, Nabíjanie, Holenie, Upozornenie, Zastrihávanie dlh˘ch chÍpkov

2675 specifications

The Braun 2675 is a sophisticated grooming tool designed for men and women seeking efficiency and precision in their personal care routine. This versatile device combines the functionality of a trimmer and shaver, making it an ideal choice for those who desire a clean, well-groomed appearance without the hassle of multiple tools.

One of the standout features of the Braun 2675 is its bold design that embodies both style and ergonomics. Its comfortable grip allows for easy handling, making it convenient to use over extended periods. The device's lightweight construction ensures that even the most intricate grooming tasks can be performed with ease, catering to all hair types and lengths.

The Braun 2675 is equipped with advanced SmartFoil technology, which captures hair growing in different directions, ensuring a close and comfortable shave. This technology significantly reduces skin irritation and ensures an efficient shave, making it suitable for sensitive skin types. Additionally, the device features precision trimmers that work exceptionally well for styling and detailing mustaches, sideburns, and beards.

Another remarkable aspect of the Braun 2675 is its battery life. With a robust rechargeable battery, users can enjoy continuous use without the need for frequent charging. The device also boasts a quick charge feature, enabling users to get a full shave with just a few minutes of charging time. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy lifestyles who require a reliable grooming solution on the go.

The Braun 2675 is designed for effortless cleaning. The detachable shaving head can be rinsed under running water, ensuring hygiene and maintenance are straightforward. This feature is essential for maintaining the longevity and performance of the device, allowing users to keep it in top condition with minimal effort.

Moreover, Braun's commitment to innovation is reflected in the device's built-in safety features, including a protective cap that prevents accidental damage to the blades during storage. The quality of Braun products is backed by rigorous testing, ensuring that consumers receive a reliable and durable grooming tool.

In summary, the Braun 2675 is a multi-functional grooming device that combines advanced technology with user-friendly design. Its SmartFoil technology, impressive battery life, and easy cleaning process make it a standout choice for anyone seeking a high-performance grooming solution. With the Braun 2675, achieving a polished look has never been more attainable.