Braun 7570 manual Popis, Nabíjení holicího strojku, DÛleÏité, Technické údaje

Models: 7570

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Na‰e v˘robky jsou vyrobeny tak, aby splÀovaly nejvy‰‰í nároky na kvalitu, funkãnost a design. Doufáme, Ïe budete se sv˘m nov˘m holicím strojkem Braun plnû spokojeni.

VበBraun Syncro je pfiiloÏen k Braun Clean&Charge (viz samostatn˘ návod k pouÏití).


PouÏívejte pouze pfiiloÏen˘ síÈov˘ pfiívod. Po‰kozen˘ síÈov˘ pfiívod je nutno okamÏitû vymûnit.



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na strojku

Technické údaje:

Pfiíkon pfii napájení pfies speciální síÈov˘ pfiívod: 7 W

Napájecí napûtí pfii napájení pfies speciální síÈov˘ pfiívod: 100-240 V2/ 50 nebo 60 Hz (automatické pfiizpÛsobení)

Napájecí napûtí holicího strojku: 12-24 V

Nabíjení holicího strojku

První nabíjení: Pomocí speciálního síÈového pfiívodu pfiipojte holicí strojek k síti a nabíjejte jej nejménû

4 hodiny, pfiiãemÏ spínaã je v poloze «0» (síÈová vidlice se mÛÏe mírnû zahfiívat).

JestliÏe je strojek plnû nabit˘, holte se bez síÈového pfiívodu, dokud se úplnû nevybije. Pak jej opût dobijte na plnou kapacitu (následné dobíjení bude trvat pfiibliÏnû 1 hodinu).

Plné nabití Vám poskytne kapacitu pro pfiibliÏnû 50 minut holení bez síÈového pfiívodu, v závislosti na vzrÛstu Va‰ich vousÛ.

Plné kapacity se v‰ak dosáhne aÏ po nûkolika cyklech nabíjení/vybíjení.

Nejvhodnûj‰í teplota okolí pro nabíjení je 15°C aÏ 35°C.









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Braun 7570 manual Popis, Nabíjení holicího strojku, DÛleÏité, Technické údaje

7570 specifications

The Braun 7570 is a premium electric shaver that embodies cutting-edge technology and thoughtful design, making it an ideal choice for men seeking a close and comfortable shaving experience. This model is recognized for its advanced features that ensure efficiency and flexibility during grooming.

One of the standout characteristics of the Braun 7570 is its patented OptiFoil technology. This feature is specially engineered to capture hair more effectively, allowing for a closer shave in fewer strokes. The shaver's foils are designed to adapt to the contours of the face, ensuring that every curve is accommodated and that no hair is left unshaved. This not only enhances shaving efficiency but also reduces the risk of skin irritation, making it suitable for even sensitive skin types.

Another notable aspect of the Braun 7570 is its flexible pivoting head. This head can move up to 40 degrees, allowing for a more adaptive shave that follows the natural shape of the face. This flexibility is crucial for achieving a smooth result, especially in challenging areas like the jawline and neck.

The Braun 7570 also features a precision trimmer that is ideal for grooming sideburns, mustaches, and any detailing work. The integrated trimmer pops up easily for quick adjustments, enabling users to maintain their desired style without the need for additional tools.

Convenience is a significant theme of the Braun 7570, and it includes a powerful lithium-ion battery that offers up to 50 minutes of cordless shaving time. A quick charge feature provides enough power for a single shave in just a few minutes, making it perfect for those on the go.

Additionally, the shaver is fully washable, meaning it can be rinsed under running water for easy cleaning. This maintenance feature ensures that the shaver stays hygienic and prolongs its lifespan.

Overall, the Braun 7570 electric shaver combines innovative technologies with user-friendly functionalities, providing men with a reliable, close, and comfortable shaving experience. Its blend of performance and practicality makes it a standout product in the Braun lineup, appealing to both shaving novices and experienced users alike.