CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 78
6.3. Raster Graphics
6.3.1. Positioning the cursor
Position the cursor using the commands described in the chapter entitled “The Page”, using dots, decipoints or
rows and columns as coordinate units.
6.3.2. Set raster resolution
Esc*t#R (27)(42)(116)#(82) <1Bh><2Ah><74h>#<52h>
This command sets the raster image resolution in dots per inch.
# is 75, 100, 150, 200, 300 or 600.
The lower the resolution you specify, the less printer memory your raster image will occupy.
Use this command before you issue a Begin Raster Graphics command, otherwise the resolution that you
specify will not take effect until the next time you re-enter raster graphics mode.
6.3.3. Set high resolution control
EscCRRO (27)(13)(82)(79) <1Bh><0Dh><52h><4Fh>
This command sets high resolution control off.
EscCRRL (27)(13)(82)(76) <1Bh><0Dh><52h><4Ch>
This command sets high resolution control Light level.
EscCRRM (27)(13)(82)(77) <1Bh><0Dh><52h><4Dh>
This command sets high resolution control Medium level.
EscCRRD (27)(13)(82)(68) <1Bh><0Dh><52h><44h>
This command sets high resolution control Dark level.
6.3.4. Set raster image orientation
Esc*r#F (27)(42)(114)#(70) <1Bh><2Ah><72h>#<46h>
This command specifies the orientation of the raster image.
# is 0 or 3.
# = 0 determines that the image will be printed from left to right and from top to bottom within the current
logical page.
# = 3 determines that the image will be printed from left to right and from top to bottom within the current
physical page irrespective of logical page orientation.
The default value of # is 3.