Replacement consumables
When the time comes to replace ink cartridges, an error message will be indicated on the LCD. For more
information about the ink cartridges for your machine, visit http://www.brother.com/original/ or contact your local
Brother re-seller.
Ink cartridge
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Compilation and Publication
Under the supervision of Brother Industrie s, Ltd., this manual has been compiled an d published, cover ing the latest produc t descriptions and
The contents of this ma nual and the specifi cations of this pro duct are subject to c hange without notic e.
Brother reserves the ri ght to make changes without notice in th e specifications and materials contai ned herein and sha ll not be responsible for
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errors relating to the publication.
Copyright and License
©2008 Brother Indust ries, Ltd.
Black Yellow Cyan Magenta
What is Innobella™?
Innobella™ is a range of genuine consumables offered by Brother.
The name "Innobella™" derives from the words "Innovation" and "Bella"
(meaning "Beautiful" in Italian) and is a representation of the "innovat ive"
technology providing you with beautiful and long lasting print results.