Printing Data From a Palm Device

4 Printing Data From a Palm Device

IrPRINT for Palm

What is this software?

IrPRINT enables you to print out the following data from your PDA running Palm® OS ver. 3.5 to ver. 4.1.

Documents To Go

Sheets To Go

PIM data (Address Book, Memo Pad, Date Book, To Do List, and Mail)

Installing the software

1Insert the enclosed CD-ROM into the CD-ROM driver of the computer running Windows®.

The installer automatically starts up and Brother Mobile Printing Software dialog box appears.

If the installer does not automatically start up, dou- ble-click “My Computer”, and then double-click **.

2Click the bottom button (Palm).

A dialog box appears, allowing you to select what to install.

3Click the Bonus software button.

The installer starts up.

Follow the instructions that appear to finish the installation.

After the installation is finished, connect the Palm Comput-

ing® device to the Windows® computer where IrPrint is installed, and then perform the HotSync operation. (The oper-

ation of the Palm Computing® device differs according to the manufacturer. Refer to the instruction manual for the Palm

Computing® device that you are using.)