Form No. 8300 (10/02)
Boiler Feedwater Softener Systems
The Bryan boiler feedwater softener uses the Kinetico®
The system comes standard with two media tanks. When one tank is exhausted, the other comes
® Kinetico is a registered trademark of Kinetico Incorporated.
...with the features that assure operating efficiency and reliable performance
•Twin tank system provides an unlimited supply of clean, soft water that is also used to make brine for regenerations. Soft water regenerations clean resin more efficiently, using less water than regenerations with raw water.
•Countercurrent Regeneration improves water quality by cleaning the system more effectively and efficiently.
•High quality resin maintains long life and high capacity to assure quality water. Utilizes standard manufactured softener salt.
•Modular design allows your system to grow as your water demand increases. Standard models supply from six to 180 gallons (22 to 680 liters) of soft water per minute.
Control Valve
The patented Kinetico® Control Valve is hydraulically driven and eliminates the need to adjust, set, repair or replace timers, computers or electrical components.