Form No. 6410 (5/00)
Spray Type Boiler Feedwater Deaerators
Capacities 5,000 to 60,000 PPH (145 to 1740 BHP)
15,000 PPH unit shown
The Bryan spray type deaerator is rated for oxygen removal to .005cc/l (7 PPB) and CO2 to zero measur- able across its entire operating range. With its all stainless steel spring loaded spray valve and second stage steam scrubber, the spray type deaerator is a
Performance Features
•Oxygen removal to .005 cc/l (7 PPB)
•CO2 removal to 0% measurable
•Reduce chemical costs
•Reduce boiler and system corrosion
•Improve boiler efficiency
•Quick equipment payback,
compared to chemical oxygen removal
Construction Features
•Constructed to ASME Section VIII, Division I for 50 PSIG
•Easily accessible manway
•Standard 10 minutes deaerated water storage
•Internal vent condenser for minimum steam loss
•Structural steel stand/pump platform
•Available as completely packaged unit including pumps and control panel
good choice for all deaerator applications.
Units are available with a complete range of boiler feedpumps and control options making them a total deaerator package with minimal amount of field assembly.
Tank Design
Tank Design