12. After about 32 seconds, the gas
valve permits gas to flow to the
main burners where it is ignited.
Hot flames begin to warm the fur-
nace’s heat exchanger. After a time
delay of 25 sec, (45 sec for low
stage on 2 stage furnaces) the fur-
nace blower is switched on.
If the main burners fail to ig-
nite, the furnace control system will go
through 3 more ignition cycles. Then,
if burners fail to ignite, the system will
lockout. If lockout occurs, or the
blower doesn’t come on—shut down
your furnace and call your dealer for
13. Set your thermostat to the tempera-
ture that satisfies your comfort re-
quirements. SUGGESTION:
Setting the thermostat back a few
degrees—and compensating for the
difference with warmer clothing—
can make a big difference in your
fuel consumption on extremely
cold days. The few degrees at the
top of your thermostat “comfort
level’’ are the most costly degrees
to obtain.
When the room temperature drops
below the temperature selected on
the thermostat, the furnace will be
switched on automatically. When the
room temperature reaches the degree
selected on the thermostat, the furnace
will be switched off automatically.
Continuous Fan
-Some thermostats
have a “fan’’ mode with 2 selections:
AUTO or ON. When set on AUTO, the
furnace blower cycles on and off, con-
trolled by the thermostat. In the ON
position, the furnace blower runs con-
tinuously except for a 42-62 sec delay
at the “call for heat.’’ Continuous fan
keeps the temperature level in your
home more evenly balanced. It also
continuously filters the indoor air.
-On all but the
310AAV or 310JAV, the blower
speed can be increased or de-
creased if desired due to change of
seasons, large gatherings in your
home, etc. Simply change your
“FAN” switch from “on” to “off”
(or “auto” depending on your ther-
mostat), and then return to “on.”
The blower will switch to the next
highest speed. There are at least 3
speeds to choose from. If the blower is
running on its highest speed, a request
to change will direct the blower to re-
turn to its lowest speed.
SHUTTING DOWN YOUR FURNACE Should you ever suspect a malfunction
in your furnace, you will need to turn
the furnace off. The following proce-
dures must be followed:
1. Set your room thermostat to
the lowest temperature setting.
(See Fig. 14.)
the external manual gas
valve. (See Fig. 6 on page 4.)
3. Turn
the electrical supply to
your furnace. (See Fig. 15.)
the outer door on your fur-
nace. (See Fig. 8.)
5. Turn the control switch on the gas
valve to the
position. (See
Fig. 9.