Getting the Digital side of the equation correct is only the start. Once the signal leaves the DAC it is buffered and increased in strength by operational amplifiers. In the Bryston BCD-1 CD Player these are constructed from discrete devices (individual transistors, resistors, and capacitors) instead of the commonly used integrated circuits. The use of discrete devices allows the design of a circuit that exactly matches the needs of the DAC. The use of integrated circuits always involves compromises since they are designed as general-purpose devices. Discrete devices also allow for more powerful outputs from operational amplifiers since the heat from the output driver transistors is separated from other devices. In an integrated circuit op amp this heat can affect the rest of the circuitry since it is all on one chip.

Discrete devices also allow specific matching of important characteristics such as input and output impedances based on the specific in-circuit requirements. Discrete operational amplifiers can also be designed to more closely match their power source leading to additional reduced distortion and noise. Discrete devices can be tested very closely to meet specific tolerances and can be matched against each other when a desired performance design is critical. Circuits can be and are designed to require closely matched devices for optimum performance. Integrated circuits have large numbers of components on one chip and it is not practical to do more than high-level sorting of device characteristics. Bryston does sorting and grading with its DAC chips but does so to a much finer level with the discrete devices, which leads to superior sound quality.

Bryston hand assembles and individually tests each and every product we manufacture. We exclusively use only the finest components in our products, such as 1% metal-film resistors, polystyrene capacitors, and hand selected and matched transistors, in order to reduce noise and distortion to the absolute minimum. Bryston applies techniques and employs custom materials in our everyday construction of electronic equipment that are more typically utilized by military and aerospace industries. Our traditional adherence to the use of proprietary parts, sophisticated construction, and refined testing techniques, guarantees that your Bryston CD Player will perform superbly, without any problems, for many, many years. It also prevents any unit-to-unit variance which inevitably is the result of any mass produced product.


With today’s increased clarity and dynamic range in recordings you need equipment that not only equals but surpasses the parameters of the most demanding material available. The Bryston BCD-1 CD Player is without peer in meeting this performance challenge.

Bryston Ltd. P.O. Box 2170, 677 Neal Drive, Peterborough, Ontario Canada K9J 7Y4  1-800-632-8217

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Bryston BCD-1 manual Performance Without Compromise

BCD-1 specifications

The Bryston BCD-1 is a high-performance CD player that epitomizes the brand's commitment to audio excellence and precision engineering. Designed for audiophiles and music enthusiasts, the BCD-1 combines advanced technologies with a user-friendly interface to deliver unparalleled sound quality from your CD collection.

One of the standout features of the BCD-1 is its proprietary digital-to-analog converter (DAC) technology. Utilizing a state-of-the-art 2-channel DAC, the player achieves exceptional clarity and detail, allowing music to be reproduced with remarkable accuracy. The BCD-1 also supports a wide range of audio formats, ensuring compatibility with standard CDs as well as high-resolution audio files.

The BCD-1 is built with a rigid chassis that minimizes vibration and interference, essential for maintaining sound integrity. The player is outfitted with a precision-designed transport mechanism, ensuring smooth playback and optimal disc reading capabilities. This attention to build quality significantly contributes to the player’s performance, allowing it to extract every nuance from the recording.

For connectivity, the BCD-1 is equipped with both balanced and unbalanced outputs, catering to a variety of audio systems and setups. The balanced outputs provide a cleaner signal over longer distances, making it an ideal choice for more complex audio configurations. Additionally, the player features a digital output that allows it to function as a dedicated transport, sending a pure digital signal to an external DAC.

Another notable characteristic of the BCD-1 is its user-friendly interface. The front panel includes an intuitive display that provides essential information such as track number, elapsed time, and disc status. The included remote control enhances convenience, allowing users to navigate their CD library with ease.

In addition to its impressive technical specifications, the Bryston BCD-1 boasts a sleek and modern design that will complement any audio setup. With its robust construction and elegant aesthetics, the BCD-1 not only performs exceptionally but also makes a statement in any living space.

Overall, the Bryston BCD-1 CD player stands out as a premier choice for those who demand the highest standard of audio fidelity. Its blend of innovative technology, superior construction, and ease of use make it an exceptional addition to any audiophile's collection.