Watch Setting Guide
BOOK NO. 561/598 | Chrono FS00/01/10 |
1.Hours, minutes, seconds and date display.
2.60 minute Chronograph (CHRONO) with minutes and seconds display.
3.24 hour hand, permanently synchronized with the normal
12 hour hand.
1.Pull the crown out to position “3” (See diagram). If the crown has a
2.Turn the crown towards you (hands moves clockwise) until the date changes at approximately midnight.
3.Continue turning the hour and minute hands to the correct time. If it is afternoon you must go past 12 o’clock again (noon) to set the correct time.
4.When the correct time is set,push crown back to position “1”.
1.Pull crown to position “2”(See proceeding diagram).The watch will continue to run.
2. Turn the crown away from you until the correct date appears.
3. Once the date is set, push the crown back to position “1”.
Note: Do NOT set the date between the hours of 8:00 PM and 3:00 AM.This would not damage the watch,but the date may need to be reset later.
If the chrongraph second hand is not positioned at the proper starting position (12 o’clock or “zero” position), use the below procedure.It does not need to be repeated unless the watch receives an impact sufficient to move the hand out of position, or the Battery has been changed.
1.Pull crown out to position “3”.
2.Push button “A” to move the Chrono Second hand (long hand) to the “0” or 12 o’clock position. Each button push will move the hand one step – BUT holding the button down will advance the hand rapidly.
3.Push crown back to position “1”.
Note: The maximum chrono reading is 60 minutes, However the chrono will continue running once 60 minutes has passed. The resulting one hour periods may be added together mentally to keep track of longer periods.
For example – If you know that approximately one hour has passed since you started the chronograph, and the chrono reads 25 minutes, then you know that the chrono has been running 60 minutes plus 25 minutes, which is one hour and 25 minutes.
1.Push Button “A” to start the chronograph. Push button “A” again to stop the chronograph.
2.Push button “B” to return the two chronograph hands to the “Zero” or starting point.
3.The Chronograph can be stopped and started again (Button “A”), repeatedly, to “ADD” times together.