Eugene, OR 97402
PH 541.687.1644 800.311.5294 FAX 541.687.0436
burley@burley.com www.burley.com
Copyright © 2007 by Burl ey Design LLC
Burley is a registered tr ademark of Bur ley Design LL C
Rev 01/11. 170053 manual s troller kit 0 8 r1
Burley Accessory Limited Warran ty
Burley access ories are wa rranted f rom date of p urchase aga inst defect s in materi als and
workmanship und er normal us e and servic e. Burley wil l repair or re place part s it determ ines
to be defectiv e for a period of five yea rs. The Bur ley access ory owner mu st present the
accessory fo r repair at p lace of purch ase, with a n original sa les receipt or similar pro of of
purchase. This warrant y applies only t o the origina l owner and i s nontrans ferable. Bur ley
can not be resp onsible for fa ilure due to im proper assem bly, modifica tion of par ts or
instructions , neglect, a buse, accide nt, and/or normal wea r. The warran ty does no t cover
any accessor y used for re ntal, compe tition, or c ommercial us e. Burley nei ther assum es nor
authorizes an y person to a ssume any ot her liabilit y in connect ion with thi s Burley prod uct,
and there are no oral agreeme nts or warr anties coll ateral to o r affecti ng this agreem ent.
This warranty gives you s pecific legal rights. You may a lso have other rights whi ch vary by
state or coun try.