I: General Information

Figure 1: HF Packaged Boiler (HF-98/HF-173)

Notes: 1.
Firing rates based on 140,000 BTU per gallon of oil
IBR net w a ter ratin g s based o n a pick-u p allowan ce of 1. 15
Manufacturer should be consulted before selecting a boiler for installations having
unusual piping and pick-up requirements.
Firebox draft setting: -.02 inches water column
Ratings based on 13.0% CO2
Description HF-98 HF-122 HF-147 HF-173
DOE Heating Capacity (MBH) 104 132 154 184
IBR Net Water rating (MBH) 90 115 134 160
Firing Rate (gal/hr) .85 1.10 1.25 1.50
Nozzle Specification .75 x 45° B .90 x 45° B 1.00 x 45° B 1.25 x 45° B
Stack Diame te r (inc h) 6 6 7 7
Number of Tubes 12 12 18 18
Boiler Water Cap. (gal.) 20 20 40 40
Supply Size ( F PT) 2 2
Return Size (FPT) 2 2
Tankless Heater Size (gal/min) 4 (5 Optional) 4 (5 Optional) 5 5
Chimney Size (min) 8" x 8" x 15' 8" x 8" x 15' 8" x 8" x 15' 8" x 8" x 15'
Approx. Shipping Wt. (lb.) 450 450 720 720
DIMENSIONS Max. Working Pressure: 30 PSI (Water Only)
A Overall Width (in.) 18-1/8 18-1/8 24 24
B Overall Length Boiler (in.) 24-1/2 24-1/2 31-3/4 31-3/4
C Jacket Height (in.) 37-3/4 37-3/4 46-3/4 46-3/4
D Jacket Length (in.) 18 18 21-3/4 21-3/4
E Jacket Width (in.) 18-1/8 18-1/8 22 22
F Smoke Outlet Height (in.) 25-1/4 25-1/4 30 30
G Overall Length w/Burner (in.) 33 33 39 39