THE DOA CROSSBOW RETICLE – For all CrossbowsThe new Crossbow DOA from Bushnell was designed for the dedicated crossbow hunter, and built to
demanding standards with input from the nation’s leading experts in crossbow technology.
The Crossbow DOA is based on a 20-yard zero with aiming points every 10 yards, out to 50 yards
(see below). The top of the bottom post provides a 60-yard aiming point. The reticle is ballistically
calibrated to be used at the 1.75X setting on the scope’s power ring. This gives the user a solid stopping
point to make sure they select the right power to properly use the reticle, along with a wide FOV to view the
target and make sure it is ethically a clean, safe shot.
The ballistic data was derived from repeated testing of a crossbow that shoots 300 fps with a 315 grain
arrow and 100 grain broadhead. While the reticle will work with any speed, arrow weight or broadhead
weight, Bushnell must stress the importance of practicing with your own set-up and making adjustments as
you deem necessary, based upon the specific circumstances of your shooting conditions.
The aiming points were based on 300 fps/315gr/100gr, but practice at each prescribed aiming point
with your particular set-up will determine what the aiming points correspond to for your individual
shooting platform.