Battery Indicator: Within the display is a battery icon.
Full charge
2/3 battery life remaining 1/3 battery Life remaining
Battery Indicator Blinks - Battery needs to be replaced and unit will not be operable.
ARC (Angle Range Compensation): In addition to all of the features described above, the BowHunter is an advanced premium laser rangefinder featuring a
The BowHunter™ solves a problem
Bow Mode (): Displays line of sight distance, degree of elevation, and true distance range from
Once the range is displayed, continue to hold the POWER button down for approximately 2 seconds while holding the aiming circle on the object and keeping the unit as steady as possible so as to allow the inclinometer enough time to measure angle. Then release the POWER button. Once you have released the power button, a degree of angle and compensated range will be displayed beneath the line of sight distance as seen in the images below.