





1.Pokrywka pojemnika na wod´

2.Pojemnik na wod´

3.Pojemnik na filtr

4.Dzbanek szklany (z pokrywkà)

5.Element grzejny (pod dzbankiem szklanym)

6.Wy∏àcznik (I/O)

7.Lampka kontrolna

Zamknij pokrywk´ szklanego dzbanka

(4)i umieÊç go na elemencie grzejnym


W∏ó˝ filtr (rozmiar 1 x 4) do pojemnika na filtr (3) i nasyp do niego kaw´ lub herbat´.

W∏àcz ekspres, ustawiajàc wy∏àcznik w pozycji „I". ZaÊwiecenie si´ lampki kontrolnej (7) sygnalizuje, ˝e ekspres zaczà∏ dzia∏aç.

Aby kawa nie wystyg∏a po zaparzeniu, mo˝na zostawiç jà na elemencie grzejnym (5), nie wy∏àczajàc ekspresu.


Przed przystàpieniem do czyszczenia wyciàgnij wtyczk´ z gniazdka i poczekaj, a˝ ekspres ostygnie.

Pojemnik na filtr oraz szklany dzbanek mo˝na myç, u˝ywajàc p∏ynu do mycia naczyƒ.

Najlepszym sposobem czyszczenia samego ekspresu jest przetarcie go szmatkà zwil˝onà ciep∏à wodà z niewielkà iloÊcià p∏ynu do mycia naczyƒ. Ekspresu nie wolno zanurzaç w ˝adnym p∏ynie.


Dok∏adnie przeczytaj instrukcj´.

Sprawdê, czy przewód nie jest pozwijany.

Umyj szklany dzbanek w zmywarce lub r´cznie, u˝ywajàc p∏ynu do mycia naczyƒ.

Przed pierwszym u˝yciem nape∏nij dzbanek wodà i przepuÊç jà przez ekspres, aby przep∏ukaç wn´trze urzàdzenia.


Nalej Êwie˝ej, zimnej wody do szklanego dzbanka (4).

PodnieÊ pokrywk´ (1) zbiornika na wod´ i ostro˝nie przelej wod´ ze szklanego dzbanka do zbiornika (2).

Do czyszczenia ekspresu i jego akcesoriów nie nale˝y stosowaç ani zbyt silnych, ani Êciernych Êrodków czyszczàcych. U˝ywanie do tego celu ostrych gàbek mo˝e spowodowaç uszkodzenie powierzchni.


ZawartoÊç wapnia i magnezu w wodzie z kranu powoduje, ˝e wewnàtrz ekspresu mo˝e si´ odk∏adaç kamieƒ. Nale˝y go usunàç, u˝ywajàc kwasu octowego (NIE wolno u˝ywaç zwyk∏ego octu) lub specjalnych Êrodków do usuwania kamienia dost´pnych w sklepach.


Page 21
Image 21
Butler 645-061 manual Objanienie, Czyszczenie, Przed Pierwszym U˚YCIEM, ˚YTKOWANIE Ekspresu do Kawy, Usuwanie Kamienia

645-061 specifications

The Butler 645-061 stands as a notable model within the realm of advanced consumer appliances, offering a harmonious blend of innovation, functionality, and design excellence tailored for modern homes. As a multi-functional device, this appliance has been engineered to meet the diverse needs of contemporary users while emphasizing ease of use and energy efficiency.

One of the standout features of the Butler 645-061 is its intuitive control interface, which integrates a digital touch panel that allows users to navigate through various settings effortlessly. This feature minimizes the learning curve associated with sophisticated appliances, ensuring that users can quickly access desired functions such as temperature adjustments, timer settings, and cooking modes.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the Butler 645-061 boasts smart connectivity options, allowing users to control the appliance remotely via a dedicated smartphone application. This feature empowers users to monitor their appliance's status, receive alerts, and even schedule cooking tasks while on the go, enhancing convenience and efficiency in daily routines.

The appliance exemplifies versatility through its multi-cooking capabilities, enabling users to steam, bake, grill, and sauté with ease. This means that individuals can prepare a wide range of dishes, from healthy steamed vegetables to perfectly baked desserts—all from a single device. The advanced heating technology employed in the Butler 645-061 ensures even heat distribution, resulting in consistently cooked meals that retain their flavor and nutritional value.

Safety is paramount in the design of the Butler 645-061, as it comes equipped with multiple safety features, including automatic shut-off, overheat protection, and child lock mechanisms. These enhancements provide peace of mind for users, particularly in households with children.

The sleek and modern aesthetic of the Butler 645-061 makes it a stylish addition to any kitchen. Its compact design ensures that it occupies minimal counter space while still providing ample cooking capacity. This balance of form and function is essential for consumers who prioritize both aesthetics and practicality.

In summary, the Butler 645-061 is a forward-thinking appliance that successfully integrates user-friendly features, state-of-the-art technology, and safety measures, all within an attractive and space-saving design. Its multi-functional capabilities cater to a wide array of cooking styles, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to elevate their culinary experience while enjoying the benefits of modern technology.