Instruction Manual
; Wait 100 m it to power-on ans for d the outputs to stabilize
; You ma increase this dela y need to y if the sensors ; themselves
; have a power-on delay
3: Excitation with Delay (P22)
1: 1 Ex Channel
2: 0000 Delay W/Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
3: 10 Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
4: 0000 mV Excitation
; Take the four easurements from m sors. the Pressure sen
4: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 4 Reps
2: 04 250 mV Slow Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 5 Loc [ Press_1 ]
5: 1.0 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
; Now turn o SDM-CVff the O4 by using the command with 0 reps.
5: SDM-AO4 (P103)
1: 0 Reps
2: 00 SDM Address
3: 1 Loc [ Scale_1 ]
; Now the normal output processing and final storage
; i ns wou mple: nstructio ld follow, for exa
; Every hour set the output flag
6: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0 )
; Store time
7: Real Time (P77)
1: 1110 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 0000)
; Store the average readings
8: Average (P71)
1: 4 Reps
2: 5 Loc [ Press_1 ]