If you’ve made a commitment to shooting with a digital SLR or if you scan your film and print from your desktop, without Adobe Photoshop CS, you probably aren’t using your technology to the fullest. It is, as everyone who uses the program’s name as a verb knows, the mother of all image- editing programs. With the host of other software to complement it, you can do almost anything. Of course, Photoshop’s the most expensive. Is it worth it? Absolutely. But with this caveat: if you don’t want to learn to make it sing, save your Benjamins.



Photoshop has been and remains

the image-editing standard. It is the

Photoshop CS rapher who is ready to take full







finest precision tool for the photog-







control and produce the best images













possible. REVIEWED MARCH 2004
















Extensis Portfolio 7







$99.95 to upgrade





$199.95 for full version





























If you’re using Photoshop to edit your







sophisticated system of

images, you won’t need an organizer




layers, masks,



padded with features for fixing them.




blending modes makes

Instead you’ll need one that’s dedi-




it possible to do subtle

cated to cataloging. Extensis Portfolio




(yet monumental)


7 is an excellent solution. Create




rections and detailed composite work

catalogs and search by your own

that’s impossible (or at least way too

keywords or organize it all using EXIF

tricky) to do in almost any other pro-

data. The program can even be

gram. Add to the mix features that are

trained to classify your pictures. Link

nonexistent in most other editors: total

a folder with a set of keywords and

color management (so you can work in

each picture you add to the folder will

all those color spaces your DSLR

be tagged accordingly. Portfolio does

shoots in), near-full functionality with 16-

most of the complicat-









bit images (so you don’t waste the infor-

ed work for you, free-





mation your film scanner provides), sup-

ing you up to do more





port for the RAW file formats of the

shooting and less





major camera manufacturers….We

searching. REVIEWED





could go on. But the fact is this: Adobe

















tion device was prohibitive. These days

flexibility with more sophisticated

it’s more expensive not to calibrate,

software than the lower-cost Spyder,

since these tools quickly pay for them-

but uses the same basic device.

selves in saved paper and ink. The


And, for the more dedicated user,

major brands work pretty much the


there are two good options:

same way: a device, connected to your

X-Rite’s MonacoOPTIX and Gretag

computer, suction-cups itself to a CRT

Macbeth’s Eye-One Display.

monitor or dangles before an LCD,







while you run software that creates an


ICC color profile for your screen.


$140 & $230; www.color-


We tested Pantone ColorVision’s

vision.com, 800-554-8688

SpyderPRO and got a good result—

OPTIX: $270; www.mona-

perfect for the desktop printer who


cosys.com, 800-248-9748

wants a marked improvement in color

EYE-ONE: $250;

matching. The SpyderPRO offers more

www.i1color.com, 845-565-7660


nik Color Efex Pro 2.0

$100, Standard edition $100, Dfine www.nikmulti- media.com 888-289-4085



$180 street www.autofx.com 800-839-2008


Fractals Pro

$50, LE edition $300, Print Pro www.lizardtech.com 206-652-5211

pxl SmartScale

$200 street








Plug-ins are add-ons to


image editors. They



not, for the most part, exist to do


things that image editors can’t, but


instead to do specific things better


and faster than image-editors need to.


Whatever you want to do, if you’re


using Photoshop, there’s probably a


solution you could hammer out, but if


that takes a lot of time and know-how,


and you’re short on both, try a plug-in.


So, say, if you’ve been trying to


figure out how to mix channels to


convert color to black-and-white (a


process that can be both tedious and


boring), nik’s Color Efex Pro filter set


including the black-and-white con-


in that can do it.


verter could be the answer. Or if you


need to make poster-sized images, you might try a superscaler like Genuine Fractals Pro or Extensis’ SmartScale. If you shoot a lot in low light, a noise-reducer like nik’s Dfine could be just the thing. Maybe you often have to simulate lighting effects or alter the mood of an image; Auto FX’s Mystical Lighting could come to the rescue. These are just a few that are out there. Because if you can imagine it, chances are there’s a plug-


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Canon 20D manual Adobe, Extensis Portfolio, $99.95 to upgrade, $199.95 for full version, $200 street