5 Windows

If the Found New Hardware or Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears:

1 Remove the USB cable connected to your computer.

The screen may close. In this case, proceed from .

2 Click Cancel to quit the screen.

3 Proceed from .




Press the ON button (A) to TURN OFF THE PRINTER and turn on the computer, then insert the Setup CD-ROMinto the CD-ROM drive.

The setup program should run automatically.

Windows Vista



Go to Step .



Windows XP/2000



Go to Step .


• Operating noise continues for about 30


• If the program does not start automatically, double-click

seconds until the printer turns off. Make sure


the CD-ROM icon on the computer. When the CD-ROM

that the POWER lamp (B) stops flashing.


contents appear, double-click MSETUP4.EXE.