Still Images


Image Categories

You can tag images as favorites and assign them to My Category (p. 149). By choosing a category in image search, you can restrict the following operations to all of those images.

Viewing (p. 126), Viewing Slideshows (p. 136), Protecting Images (p. 139), Erasing Images (p. 143), Adding Images to the Print List (DPOF) (p. 187), Adding Images to a Photobook (p. 191)

Tagging Images as Favorites

zPress the mbutton, and then choose in

the menu (p. 39).

X[Tagged as Favorite] is displayed.

zTo untag the image, repeat this process and

choose again, and then press the m button.

Using the MenuChoose [Favorites].

zPress the n button, and then choose [Favorites] on the 1tab (p. 40).

Choose an image.

zPress the qrbuttons to choose an image,

and then press the m button. is displayed.

zTo untag the image, press the m button

again. is no longer displayed.

z Repeat this process to choose additional images.