Canon 5D Mark III Experience
Set the number of exposures that will be combined together with the No. of exposures menu item, between 2 and 9. Under the Save source imgs setting decide if you would like to save each of the source images that are stacked to create the final multiple exposure by selecting All images, or just the final combined multiple exposure image, Result only.
Figure 103 - Neon Restaurant Sign, Cambridge, Mass. - Multiple Exposure Mode used to take three frames that are automatically
If you set the earlier setting for On: Func/Ctrl, the merged image will be displayed during image playback, however you can delete the last individual shot after it is taken by pressing the Playback Button and selecting Undo last image before continuing onto the next shot. This way you can capture the first image you want, use it to start the sequence, and delete the subsequent images as you take them if you don’t like the ongoing results. On: Func/Ctrl must also be set to shoot multiple exposures in Live View.